Saturday 17 February 2018


Good morning, everyone.  It was another really lovely, sunny winter's day yesterday with a frost first thing.  Really cheering although I MUST wash the back windows.  That sun really revealed the shocking state they are in!

I didn't do an awful lot really.  I found a bit more washing so I got that done and dried outside and really that was about it.  I slept, read, slept again.  It was rather nice!

Today I have to go to Sainsbury's and I must do a bit of planning and, if I am to start of the liver shrinking diet on Monday < spit >, I must go through the fridge and sort out what either needs using this weekend or prepping and freezing until afterwards.

I gather it's going to rain today but, if it doesn't or between showers, I want to do some more gardening and I must put out the snowdrops and irises I got from Anglesea Abbey.  A good time to do this because I can see where all the other snowdrops and other bulbs are.

Have a great day.  I'm just off to make coffee - proper coffee today, I think!  Nice!


  1. Hello, Joy,

    I feel I must tell you, but when I looked at your blog post this morning - and this has happened before - there was just the Saturday post on the screen, with the Older Post icon to hit for, well, older posts! So I hit that and blow me, it happened again: a pornographic website came up. I deleted that right away, but it has happened before and I wonder if you are aware of this? Has it happened to anyone else hitting 'Older Post', I wonder?
    Margaret P

  2. It does that occasionally and it's a right pain. I have no idea why, Google doesn't seem interested and it's not consistent. I have the 'child protection' thingy on so it takes me to a waRNING, BUT i CAN UNDERSTAND WHY IT'S SUCH A SHOCK. i'M REALLY SORRY, mARGARET, BUT i DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT.
    (ooops, hit caps lock, sorry again, not shouting!)
    J x

  3. Our windows need cleaning too, it is amazing how they get grubby at this time of year isn't it.

  4. The low sun doesn't help - the dirt shows up so much more - but, yes, they do get grubby.
    J x

  5. Never mind, Joy, I just quickly delete. I don't want to see a nasty website, it's really strange that this should happen.
    Don't worry about your windows. Unless someone has a weekly window cleaner (highly unlikely) they will be grubby after a couple of weeks. We have a window cleaner who comes every two months or thereabouts, but right now they're very grubby, and dusty on the inside, too (which I could do something about, I suppose!)
    Margaret P

  6. Thanks, Margaret.
    Let's not go into the inside, eh? It must have been very hard when everyone had coal fires and ranges, etc.
    J x
