I really enjoyed it and am so pleased that it's on again tonight, BBC2, 7:00 (I'll watch it on iPlayer later).
Good morning, everyone. It's a dry start and BBC forecasts sunshine. If they're right it is Ho! for the garden!
In said garden there's promise of things to come as both my chives and my oregano respond to the mildness at the moment. Not enough to pick yet but . . .

Yesterday's busy day turned out really well. I had a lovely chat with C over the biscuits and school was such a pleasure. I hadn't realised how much I missed it until I've started back again.
I didn't manage to do much in the garden as it started chucking it down and, being a fair weather person, there's no way I was going out to get soaked. I did tidy up a few containers earlier which, I suppose, is better than nothing.
Sadly, tuition was cancelled due to illness but, looking on the bright side, at least that's one less to plan for next week.
And I really enjoyed the evening's TV.
Today, Tuesday, the first thing I will be doing is popping out to Wyvale to get some more secateurs after mine fell apart over the weekend. I intend to spend more than I have done before so hopefully they will do a good job. I also want to pop into Hobbycraft (don't smile) to get some yarn for a special project for a little friend.
Then, fingers crossed, it will be finer and I can get a bit more clearing done. It's mostly going to be a stay at home day so washing, drying and ironing are both on the list.
Better get started then!
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