Friday 26 September 2014


More apologies, this time for yesterday's non-appearance.  It wasn't overwork, it was snoozing!

Yesterday was an experience day.  A Great Fire of London experience day, in fact.  You can see what it is about by following this link.

Because of this, I didn't have any work to do Wednesday evening which was just as well because I fell asleep on my recliner before Bake Off started and woke in time to see Martha leave - so it is just as well I can watch it on iPlayer.  Off I went to bed, almost straight to sleep but woke in the middle of the night with tum cramps so spent a while contemplating the towel rack in the bathroom - hardly an inspiring sight.

Fortunately, I managed to get a bit more sleep but was pretty woozy Thursday morning.  After having almost 100% attendance this term, I had three away and another went home not long after the start of the day so it looks as if something shot through some of us!  A great shame because it was a fab day, the children loved it and they were brilliant in both work and behaviour.

After a general introduction around a map of the City of London in 1666, they had to pretend they were apprentices and went to different tables to try weaving, candle making, learning to be a surgeon and various other trades of the time.  In the meanwhile, as they were working, a fire started in Pudding Lane (a flame coloured scarf on the map) which got bigger and bigger with rats escaping now and again.  Some of us made chains with buckets to try and put the fire out . . . oh, you get the idea.  It was really good.

After lunch they were archaeologists and had to 'dig' up objects and work out which profession it came from.  Again, excellent, covering various ways in which we can find out about the past.  It finished with a story of a family who managed to escape the flames.  The children were utterly engrossed in the tale.

We were worn out afterwards but it was more than well worth doing and has helped to make the whole thing come alive.

Since we started this topic, many of the children have been taken to London to see Pudding Lane, the Monument, St Paul's, etc., by their lovely families.  It makes such a difference.

Today is SEN in the morning and I am taking my class in the afternoon.  And then it is another weekend.  Where is the time going?

And finally, Must do a bit more tidying up because I have a friend round for a Chinese and a chat this evening.  It has to be a takeaway because I have no time to cook, but she's OK with that, thank goodness.  I'd better get going then!


  1. What a lovely way to explore history. Sounds fascinating, yet hard work. Jx

  2. It was tiring but all the organisingn was done for us and, yes, it was a lovely thing to do. They remember hands on, don't they?
    Remember 'I do and I understand'?

  3. Definitely, see it, do it, write it and talk about it...then remember. Only teachers know how hard organising can be. Glad it went well for everyone. Jx
