Tuesday 10 January 2023

Tuesday, 10-01-23

 Good morning, everyone!  It's a dull, damp old start to the day today which always makes me so thankful for four stout walls and a roof over my head.  It didn't feel cold when I went out to the freezer, so that's a blessing anyway.

I enjoyed yesterday.

I got the ironing all done and put away and I made great inroads into my paperwork for the governors.  I find a first draft is always too wordy and I fall into 'jargon' far too much so today's task is to read through, re-word, take out jargon and generally make it more easily readable.  I can do that, it just takes a bit of time.  Hopefully, it will be off to school by this evening.

I headed off for circuits and had a great old time with the rest of the group.  Lindsey had planned a minute on and then move to the next one circuit which I really enjoy because by the time the old muscles are starting to mutter it's time to move on to the next thing which uses a different set.
I'd already done the Snippet for the day so my halo felt good and straight!

I was pretty 'good' when shopping.  The only things I got that weren't on my list were a box of descaling sachets for my new coffee machine (the instructions say I should so . . .) and, not quite so virtuous, some coffee pods for the same which were half price.  There's a very wide choice of different coffees you can have in those pods but they aren't cheap so I was happy to get some for half price.  I am also very thankful for my reusable pods too which work really well now I've got the hang of it.
Yes, I looked round the clothes.  Yes, I was sorely tempted.  No, I didn't buy anything.  More halo shining there!!

I must have been tired - I went to bed after nine, fell asleep almost immediately and woke after seven this morning.  I wish it could be like that every night!

Today starts with Groove class and continues with all the usual stuff plus today's snippet and finishing off that report.  If the weather clears, I might pop out for a walk this afternoon but, if not, there's plenty of sorting out and clearing up to be getting on with, and that's a fact!!  It's a never-ending story.

Have a lovely day, everyone.  What's your 'never-ending story'?  Is it the same as mine or something different?
Take care, stay dry and have a happy day.  xx


  1. Definitely the same story as yours however good my intentions! Jan

    1. I mean to keep things tidy and uncluttered too but it just doesn't happen! I could never me a minimalist!!

  2. Meal planning , shopping, prepping and cooking is my never ending story - we eat very little ready mades and cook from scratch each day and also make our own soup for lunchtime so I always have a chopping knife in my hands at sometime. The laundry and sorting comes a close second. I should be writing my shopping list now and not readfing blogs! Have a good day.x

    1. Yes - laundry is another although one - round and round it goes! I find cooking a bit different because I like looking for and trying out new ideas/recipes so it feels different, somehow.

  3. My never ending story is similar to yours, I think that's why I am enjoying this eating down the freezer/fridge/cupboards sort of challenge so much at the moment, while I'm doing that I'm not sorting or or decluttering. :-)

    I know exactly what you mean about the first draft of most things being too wordy and full of jargon. My main task in our company is proof reading Alan's reports and making them suitable to read for either the lay-people that won't or don't have to understand them at a certain level, or check that they are suitable for the experts whose knowledge is far above mine, so I can just proof read without understanding what I'm reading. It keeps the old brain active for sure.

    1. It really does, for sure. I guess it is like any kind of writing. The first draft gets the ideas down and then, gradually, it all gets refined until it is suitable for the intended audience. That can come quickly or it can take ages but the first attempt is never the finished product.

  4. I'm very like you - there is always something that needs 'sorting '. Although sometimes it's dog walking, we've put it off today due to bad weather, but they are restless and it'll fall on me to dress in head to toe wet weather gear, I spent this morning having a mooch round shops - came back with a pack of biros - 50p in wilko sale!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Well - I can't think of anything more useful in an everyday way. Alex once bought me a bit box of biros as a Christmas present. Beth apologised but, actually, it was so very useful and I still have some - I haven't needed to buy a basic pen for years and years.
      Did you get your splash-out with the dogs?

    2. Yes, thank you, treated myself to a lovely long soak in a hot bath after!
      Alison x

    3. That sounds fantastic. xx

  5. We’re on the weird meals this week as there are things needing used up from the fridge and freezer. Norrie had smoked salmon and cream cheese pasta with broccoli tonight and I had a pre made cauliflower cheese with broccoli and some rice. We were both happy and then had banana and yoghurt. I managed a half hour walked but got soaked on the way back. It’s blowing a hoolie and pouring again here so I spent a lovely afternoon prepping scallop shells with gesso then making some trinket dishes as a demo for my craft class next week. Very pleased with how they have turned out! Catriona

    1. They sound really lovely - lucky students, that's what I think.

  6. Always the same. Clear up,clear out. Rinse and repeat !! And then all the nice things I do enjoy inbetween.
    Thank you for sharing your day x

    1. < grin > Know what you mean - and thank you. xx

  7. Always something needs doing...new year...evidently I need a new doctor...the one I found last year, finally after moving here, has left...here I go again. More work on my teeth thanks to Osteoporosis...car went in today for recall...the second one...therefore, I had them do some maintenance while there...back to tutoring online tonight...back to working with youngest grandgirl online, a senior...working with the little grandsons...they are back in school...the grandgirl is home schooled in Indy...appts for tests...get filters for air conditioner...filters for water pitcher...have my new journal ready/I do one a month...new planner is ready and new devotional book...My word (again) is Believe...used it a few years back...on track for my steps/miles again...always something...but life is just so good...I am so thankful to have lived to getting on to 80...thankful thankful. I enjoy your blog so much. Are you crocheting? Reading? Puzzles?

    1. What an incredibly busy and fulfilling life you live - it's brilliant. I love your word.
      At the moment I'm knitting mittens for next Christmas. I stitched together all the Christmas Advent granny squares to make a 9x9 but I need to buy some yarn to finish off with a border so it can wait for a month or so.
      I found some 'dishcloth' yarn in my cupboard so I'm going to knit some dishcloths with it. Garter stitch produces a nice textured cloth. I'm always reading and at the moment I'm working through a couple of new cookery books.

    2. That's kind, thank you! xx

  8. There is always cleaning to be done, and more repairs to be made on the house. Such is life. It has been very wet here, too. You are so good about going to your exercise classes. I have been running up and down the stairs and doing yoga, pilates, and the thigh master at home.

    1. Home owning is no joke, is it? There's always something. The blessings far outweigh the responsibilities though, I think.
      I love the classes so it is easy to be motivated. I am less so at home so these Snippets are just perfect for me. :-)

  9. I honestly don't know where the dust comes from in my house. I'm forever dusting and polishing.

    1. I believe most of it comes from you! ;-) xx
