Friday 18 June 2021


 Good morning!  
It's been a right fortnight, all upsy downsy and full of stress and worry but things seem to have settled a bit - for a fortnight anyway

As I mentioned before, Dad isn't having any kind of medical intervention apart from, probably, some changes in his medication and we heard yesterday that he has a two week 'respite' at the care home where he would like to live.  It wasn't a dead cert and they (or he) could still say 'no' after that fortnight but a fortnight of relative calm and stability sounds blissful.

John is still here and doing sterling service on the financial front.  He has to go home on Sunday but will be coming back next weekend.  I'm staying here until the end of the month anyway and fingers are crossed.  Changes are never easy and when you are very elderly and have lived a regular and steady life, they are even less so but Dad can compromise when he has to so the chances of his settling are good.

It's pouring again here - and back home too.  Great for the allotment but I'm worried about the grass there.  I may come home just overnight, once this weekend is done and dusted and assuming the rain stops.  

Take care, stay dry and be safe.  xx


  1. We definitely need rain - please send a little!
    I am sure your dad will settle and he may be relieved to have people looking after him now and know they are there if he doesn't feel well. I am sure he will enjoy the chats with the staff and other residents too after living on his own for a lot of the time.
    Thinking of you both. Take care xx

  2. It'll be a big change for your Dad but hopefully he will settle in quickly and be reassured by having people on hand to look after him and company available if he wants it.

    We have rain here too - the forecast suggests it's set in for all of next week as well! xx

  3. Knowing that your dad is being taking care of properly will lift some pressure off you Joy.That garden of yours will be drinking that lovely rainfall in and it will really benefit it.

  4. It’s good that your dad has all his marbles and can participate fully in decisions about his care.

  5. I hope your dad is content with the care home and that there are some outside/inside social activities to help get him acquainted with others in the home. It's such a major step at a time in life when an individual really can't care for himself/herself on their own.

  6. Sounds like the care home is going to work out well :) I'm glad you're getting towards settling down. I hope it all works out well and your Dad is happy in the care home

  7. Fingers crossed that the care home is a good match for your Dad. So good that he is able to participate in the decision making and that your brother is available to handle financial/other details.

  8. A two week trial sounds a good plan. I hope he feel comfortable there and that will lessen the worries.
    Take care of yourself too

  9. The two weeks of respite is a great idea, it'll give your Dad a good insight into how it would be living there. I hope he has a nice restful fortnight, and it will be a weight off your mind knowing he's been taken care of round the clock. Thinking of you Joy xx

  10. I am glad your Dad can go for respite to the same place he could move to if he so chooses. The respite would give him a good idea of the quality of care.

    Nice to know your brother will be back to handle a few more things.

    God bless.

  11. Glad things are going to plan and that you have some help to sort things out. I hope your Dad likes his new home and settles in quickly.

  12. I hope he settles in. The two week respite is what my sister was doing for Mum. Sadly she's been in hospital twice since going in for the initial two weeks so I don't think she's really had time to know whether she likes it or not. It is such a worry with me being so far away.
