Monday 14 June 2021


 First of all, just to say to all of you whose blogs I read - I am still reading, just not commenting much at present.  I think my head is too full of 'stuff'!

I'm not sleeping terribly well at the moment.  Thankfully, I can snooze during the day so it will all even out, I am sure.  It's worry, of course.  I always used to get like that before/during stuff like OFSTED or lesson observations or very important meetings.   Just an overactive brain.  The hot weather doesn't help either, not that I am complaining.

Thankfully, I find I am getting into something of a routine here.  I've done washing, ironing, sorted out meals, started sorting out possessions that can be sorted out and generally found plenty of things to do.  It all helps to pass the time and keeps the mind occupied.

After my visit to Dad yesterday, I started sorting out the books.  I know I said kitchen but the books need doing more.  There are loads of them, some good, most frankly tatty and only good for the dump.  They're old books, no bar code or anything like that, so companies like ziffit won't take them, charity shops are overloaded right now, as is David's book shop, an excellent and locally renown second hand book shop who would take the better books in normal circumstances but i not taking anything at the moment.  I think I will dump the rubbish and keep the good books for some weeks in hopes that maybe things will ease and the book shop will start taking books again.

Dave and Anna turned up on their way home from visiting Anna's family in Peterborough.  They didn't stay for a meal but they did help me sort out a few issues and took some books and other bits and bobs.  We did a tour of the garden and Anna went away with a bunch of very fragrant sweet peas.

So today's challenge is to locate the dump.  I know where it is in theory, I just have to find it in practise.   Then I can start dumping stuff including, sadly, those tatty old books that no-one would ever be interested in.   I also have some ironing and all the usual stuff that a fairly big house needs, plus the visit to Dad.

This will be later than usual as he is having some tests in the morning.

Well, that's about it.  Better get on with the next thing on the list.  Take care, everyone, and thank you all for your lovely comments.  They help a lot.  xx


  1. You are up early but at least the weather is nice and cool in the early mornings. Have a good day with all your jobs and I hope your Dad is OK

    1. I was awake before three which is too early, even for me! < grin >
      Thanks, Diane. You have a good day too.

  2. It's good you're keeping busy, helps a lot I'm sure. xx

    1. It is helping, Sooze. It's something I can do.

  3. Ooh I remember stomach churning Ofsted days too. Not nice feeling. Hope the routine things help you get through all the things racing through your head at the moment.
    Shame about the books but it is a necessary job and I'm sure that some will find their ways to new homes when this is possible again.
    Hope dad's tests go well and you have a good day too xxx

    1. Horrible, wasn't it?
      I'm finding my notebook invaluable for all the thoughts at the moment. For example, Dave and Anna suggested that animal sanctuaries would take any unwanted bedding and towels. That's in the book!!

      I think most will be pulped, to be quite honest, buit maybe that will go towards making new books. Let's be positive. xx

  4. I find in theses cases when your mind takes over with far too many unwelcome thoughts to keep super busy. I see you are doing that. I also found going for a short brisk walk helps too. How about a swim? Swimming always helps :-) Take care and sending healing thoughts for your Dad. Amanda x

    1. I'm not at home so can't have a swim but maybe, next time I go home, I will bring my cossie back with me. Good idea.

  5. Sorting through the books is a good way of keeping busy without tiring you out too much. I donated most of Ced's books to the National Trust for the book stalls they have at some of their properties. That way I was able to dispose of all of them in one go.

    1. Hmmm - I wonder if there's a property close by - must check. Thanks. xx

  6. I have been missing from blogland for a few days, so it came as a quite a shock to read the news of your dad. I hope you are both bearing up okay under the circumstances, and it's reassuring to know you have the support of both Beth and Dave.
    Thinking of you all and I hope your dad's tests go well. X

  7. Hope you get good news from the tests tomorrow. x

  8. Don't forget to look after yourself, Joy. Take a moment to count your blessings.

  9. Sorting through your parents stuff is very hard isn't it, but hopefully the out and out junk should be easy-ish to distinguish.
