Monday 13 January 2020


Good morning!
Yesterday was really pleasant.
I got to the Hobbycraft retail park at ten, only to be reminded that most of the shops don't open until ten thirty.  However, Argos and a furniture place were open so I spent half an hour meandering around the Argos catalogue and then looking at furniture I wasn't remotely tempted by before finally entering Hobbycraft.  I was very restrained - I got the pinking shears and then saw some rather gorgeous yarn and a pattern that would work with it so guess what!  Yup!

By the time I got home it was later than I had originally anticipated so I had breakfast, thankful that I'd already made up the waffle mix apart from adding the baking powder.

By now it was a very pleasant late morning so I wrapped up again and set out for a brisk half hour walk, that being better than ten thousand steps according to a segment in 'Trust me: I'm a doctor' - did you see it last week?
It actually ended up being a forty five minute walk and I followed it with Lindsey's workout from the other day, seeing as I was nicely warmed up and had the right shoes on.
A few photos from the walk . . .

You can see my house in this photo, that's how close I live to the countryside - lucky me.

After a pretty late lunch, I turned up the heating as I was feeling rather cold and then had a restful rest of day knitting, reading and watching telly.  Lovely.

Today it's a morning at home followed by knitter knatter club at school and then helping in Foundation Stage.  Then home for an hour before popping out for tuition.  I'm hoping to fit in another 'brisk' walk at some point in the morning so I need to use my time well.  Tuition for the week is all planned and ready so I just have to read through everything to remind myself.

Have a great day, everyone, whatever your plans are.


  1. Oh what lovely yarn I will be fascinated to know how it knits up. What are you going to knit with it?

    1. It should end up with random stripes, I think. I have a very simple long sleeved, round neck jumper pattern which should work nicely. It's always colours that sell a yarn to me and those colours are just lovely, I think.

  2. The yarn is lovely. It's a gorgeous colourway.
    And yes, lucky you living so close to such beautiful countryside. It was a good day to get outdoors in the fresh air. X

    1. Mid-Essex is not renown for being lovely but there are some very attractive areas in a quiet sort of way. You just need the eyes to see them.

  3. I love the colours in the yarn.

    It's wonderful to have the countryside right on your doorstep like that isn't it? I rarely take advantage of it at this time of year but should do. I take it you didn't have the strong winds we've had if you went out walking ... we have an amber alert for gales and the like.

    1. No, not reeally. There's a warming out round here for tomorrow. It's breezy at the moment but nothing too much.
      I love those colours too. In fact, one of the reasons I love yarn shops so much is the colour explosions!

  4. It's lovely to have the countryside right outside your door, isn't it? I enjoy that aspect of where we live, as well. I do hesitate walking on our road alone, though, as sometimes we meet up with the bear families! They are sweet to watch from inside the house but I don't want a close-up encounter!

    1. Yes, it's really nice and, fortunately, there are no bears in Mid Essex (I hope!!!) :-)
