Thursday 9 January 2020


Good morning!  I didn't wake until past five this morning, after going to bed just after nine, so it was a good night's sleep, thank goodness.

I seem to be turning a bit 'mother earth-y' at the moment.  Only a titchy bit, mind you, but it feels interesting.
Returning to making my own bread again is one thing.
Growing mushrooms from a kit (if it works) is another.
The third is that I'm going to have a go at making my own wax wraps.  People speak very highly of them and recently I have been concerned about the amount of cling film I've been using for wrapping and covering.  I have loads of pretty fabrics in my cupboards, have sent off for some beeswax (blocks, so I will need to grate them, but they were a lot less than wax pellets) and Googled for info on the process - it looks really very simple indeed.
Watch this space.

Personal training went really well yesterday.  Lindsey has started posting 15 minute slots on Facebook, sometimes aerobic-y things and sometimes toning and stretching, and as one of her 'clients' I have access.  They're quite good, I think, and I can always manage 15 minutes when someone is telling me what to do!
In her little attic gym, there was a new machine.  I've looked it up and it is an eliptical cross-trainer.    Anyway, she's included it in my programme and afterwards, for the rest of the day, I knew I'd had a workout!  Nothing bad but definitely an ache which has gone today.  I do enjoy these sessions and am looking forward to getting back to once a week instead of once a fortnight which I am doing at present.

The rest of the day was spent doing homey things - washing, ironing, bit of cleaning, tidying, etc.  IO now have a tidy drawer for my cleaner than clean tea towels and muslin cloths apart from one muslin that I use to strain blackberries and which I will keep just for that purpose.  I know it's clean, after all.

Today is blank until later when I have tuition followed by SW group in the evening.  Pottery starts again next week so I will have to go to another group and, fortunately, last term Jennifer started a daytime group at the same place, within walking distance, so I will go along to that.

It should be a very pleasant day, I think.  Hopefully, yours is too.


  1. Good luck with the wax wraps I had a go some time ago and while they work ok I didn't get on well with them so I reverted to clingfilm. My cling film is perforated at 12 inches and tears off very easily however the rolls which come from a catering company cost a bomb but last me at least a year and I think I have enough to last me the rest of my life so i had better used them.

    1. Thanks. I'll give them a good go. There are times when you need clingfilm so I'll still be using it, just not as much as before. I think the wax wraps are worth a go and making them myself brings the cost right down plus I'm using up some of my clutter (the fabric).
      I'm just wondering if the fabric has to be cotton.
      Fingers crossed, eh?

  2. I use wax wraps, they are ok, but also still use cling film as I haven't found anything that replaces it, wax wraps are quite good for cheese. At least when you make your own you can have the sizes you need. I've also started to cover small bowls with saucers if they are just kept in the fridge for a few hours or overnight.

    My biggest change in plastic use is getting milk delivered in glass bottles again and I use compostable poo bags and wheelie bin liners and especially safe to flush wet wipes. Sadly, biodegradable doesn't mean what we think.

    1. Thanks, Annabeth. I'll give it a go anyway and see how it works out. I'm sure I will be able to use them one way or another.

  3. It will be interesting to hear how the wax wraps turn out. I saw them on Penterest a while back and wondered if I would like making them and using them. My question is once you have used one how easy is it to clean for reuse? So I will looking for your comments on that after you use yours. I think it is fun and interesting to try things like that even if you don't keep it up. I tried making laundry soap once and I will never do that again. Well, enjoy your day. It does sound like it will be a very pleasant day

    1. I'm assuming one just wipes them over as the wax will protect the fabric. Good point though - I'll Google it.
      Yes, it says either just wipe them over with a damp cloth or wash with mild soap and cold water and hang out to dry.
