Saturday 18 January 2020


Good morning!  As I drew my bedroom curtains last night, I saw a gritting lorry making its way down the road and, sure enough, there's quite a frost this morning.  Brrrr.  Mind you, that means clear skies and, hopefully, a good walk later.

I never did get out yesterday.  We had periods of sunshine but there was rain in the air and it kept clouding over so I decided it wasn't worth it really.  I did pop out in the car across town to pick up a parcel.  It was a beeswax wrap making kit - I cheated and decided that for the first go I'd get everything together.  All it contained was some parchment, some beeswax pellets and some cotton cloth (I wasn't expecting that!) with some really good, clear instructions.

I was quite concerned not to get any wax on the ironing board so I put down a towel followed by an old wooden board and did the necessary on that.  It wasn't hard and I still have loads of wax left to make more.

I've wrapped some cheese up in one and covered a bowl with another one and they've both worked well so I'm really pleased.  I wonder if Beth would like some.

After the cleaners had worked their magic, I settled down with my knitting and laughed my way through one of the 'Goes Wrong' plays that I have recorded (it's set to record the lot as they come up).  It was my friend, Alison, who introduced me to the first one a couple of years ago, Peter Pan goes Wrong, and these current ones are just as funny and, actually, very clever in their way.

It was an evening of laughs really because the new 'Would I Lie To You' programmes, cancelled before Christmas due to the general election (boo), are now being shown and the one I watched was well up to standard.

So a bit of a lazy day really but enjoyable.

Today, as long as it's fine, I will definitely go over to Galleywood and, as I pass Tesco, I will pop in there on the way back and get a few bits and bobs; not a full shop but enough to be worth popping in for.

Before then, I have a meeting with a potential parent (that sounds odd - I mean for tuition) so I need to dig out my old list of What To Say or, if I can't find it, make a new one!  I'm quite pleased as this is down to a recommendation from a former 'parent' and starts in September, when I will have lost one of my current students to secondary school so it works out really well.

And then, later on, I need to give my pottery bag a good sort out.  There's quite a lot in it now, enough to sort into two bags, one for tools and the other for the rest of the stuff - WD40, card, clingfilm, etc, etc. etc

I've been pondering over the pottery thing and now I'm sure that I should have dried the clay off a bit first.  You live and learn.  By the end of the session on Thursday, I was inclined to forget about the candle stand and make something else but I've changed my mind and will give it another go.  I might also spray the board with WD40 to stop the slabs sticking to the board too, as trying to lift them off also distorted the shape.  Worth giving it a go, anyway.

Well, it's time for a second coffee and then to start the day so I'd better get moving!  Enjoy your Saturday,  xx


  1. I reckon it's Lee Mack who makes "would I lie to you" so funny, he is just so quick witted and David Mitchell is funny too but in a completely different way. Wish they would make another series of Upstart Crow.

    The wrap fabric is very pretty, I've been thinking about making some but I tend to use the plastic storage boxes...which I've had for ages, in the fridge and hardly any clingfilm anyway so not sure it's worth the making

    1. Davis and Rob are extremely funny in their own way but I agree about Lee - he is the cleverest comedian I've ever seen and so, so fast with the repartee.

      I have loads of wax pellets left and loads of cotton fabric - would you like me to make you one so you can give it a go? It would be a pleasure.

    2. Oh yes please I would love to try one for cheese which I normally just leave in it's plastic and pop in a food bag - it would save that.

    3. Brilliant! I'll get it made today. Beth would like a couple too. :-)

  2. I made some of the wax wraps but found that they were not so good after a few uses so I abandoned them. I found them difficult to clean if they got messy - hot water melts the wax and cold water doesn't remove grease. However I will be interested to see how you get on. Keep warm its cold out there.

    1. I intend wiping them over with disinfectant spray and then rinsing in cold water. Or lukewarm water and a very little soap, just enough to get off any fat. if necessary. A bit like this, really.
      And to freshen them up, just pop them, between the parchment (which I have kept) and iron over it.
      I'll let you know!
      Yes, it really is cold - such a contrast!

  3. It's been a chilly day and I needed to defrost the car before heading out this morning.
    The wrap fabric is so pretty. I use beeswax wraps for storage too. X

    1. It's rather nice, isn't it? The fabric pieces were all different but I really liked that one in particular.
      I really like that I'm not going to be using nearly as much cling film.

  4. I was given some wax wraps for Christmas and they are great. I will definitely try making some at some point. I didn't know you could refresh them by ironing, so thanks for the tip!

    1. It just re-melts and redistributes the wax, I gather.

  5. I have just seen those wax wraps to buy at the Tebay services they were £12 I think - making your own is so much nicer. I have been going back to the old fashioned way of just covering a basin with a tea plate or saucer.

    1. That's what my Mum used to do. It works well, assuming you have enough plates/saucers.
      Really £12? I assume it was a pack of them rather than a single one but even so. Mind you, cotton fabric isn't cheap nowadays but even if you use a pack of fat quarters, you'd get loads of wraps from it.
