Saturday 25 January 2020


Morning!  Welcome to the weekend.

Yesterday started off early so I decided to do something that irritated me for ages.  I took all the tins down from my tinned goods shelf, sorted them out and put them back in an organised way.  I ought to do that more often really as, to my shame, there were some jars of stuff right at the back that were so past their date I'm surprised they didn't explode when light reached them.  That was the bad thing.  The good thing is that now I know what's on that shelf, things are in order and I have plenty of choice when it comes to the Slimmer of the Week basket at SW.

After that, I picked up my prescription and then hopped a hundred metres down the road to Aldi where I stocked up for the week.  I won't go hungry now!
On the way back, and honestly, only just out of my way, I stopped off at Hobbycraft and had a most satisfying look round before finishing the journey home.

After unpacking and putting away, I did homey things until the cleaner arrived.  I do like to give her a clear run so I set out on my walk, thankful that the drizle had ceased and, while it was pretty damp underfoot, the air was dry.  I decided to walk down the main road to the traffic lights at the bottom and back and then to go up to Morrisons as there were a few things Aldi didn't have.  All in all, I was walking (or on my feet, anyway) for an hour and a half, which I was pleased with.

I had a message to say that my student had a bad cold and was staying off school so she was cancelling tuition.  Quite right too and I hope they feel better soon.

And I slept so well!  Lovely!

Today I have a meeting with a possible 'parent' but apart from that the house is clean and tidy and day's mine.  I'm getting on well with the beeswax wraps and need some more plus I'm making a few for friends as well so I'll get that done at some point, get on with my knitting and, perhaps, go out somewhere.

I rather fancied a trip to Ingatestone Hall but it's closed at the moment so maybe I will pop out to Danbury Park, another place I am ashamed to say I have never visited.  It depends on the weather really - I'm not going if it is wet.

Have a lovely day, everyone.  xx


  1. Morning Joy. Whilst I'm feeling more like going out for a walk now (I haven't felt like it for a while), I'm afraid I'm definitely a fair weather walker - I won't go if it's raining or really windy or very cold. Hope you get your trip out. xx

    1. The forecast isn't encouraging but I'll see how it goes. I'm like you really but I do feel better after a walk out.

  2. It looks like a damp forecast here for the weekend, although I've just been lying in bed listening to a bird outside my window - a hint of spring mornings to come - although birdsong at 7.15 is a bit more respectable than 3.30!
    I think we'll try and get out for a short walk to see the snowdrops layer and I hope you're able to get out at some point today.
    Have a lovely weekend. X

    1. Have a lovely walk. Snowdrops are such pretty flowers.

  3. The fog has gone today but just as grey and mud even worse after all the damp days.
    Have a good day.

    1. Same here, and likely to remain so for some days to come, sadly. Nothing we can do about it! :-)
      You have a good day too.

  4. My eldest grand is in England for a semester. University

  5. It's cold and wet down here so I hope your weather is better and you get your trip out. I was quite shocked when I listed all the nearby attractions and realised that I had never visited most of them, something I hope to do this year.

    1. It's damp and cold and I've decided to stay in and warm. Maybe tomorrow. I'll do one of the online walks instead.

  6. I’m always inspired that no matter (too much) the weather, you always seem to find time to walk! I need to get out more myself. Enjoy the weekend! Zenda

    1. I read somewhere (or was it on the telly) that a brisk half an hour walking is really good for both physical and mental well being plus I'm aiming to get the SW Platinum award for Body Magic.
      I do actually feel very cheerful after a walk, which is nice.

  7. I saw your photos - that's a shedload of snow! How long do you expect it to last?

  8. Ingatestone Hall and Danbury Hall are so lovely. What a blessing to be able to visit either. I hope you will enjoy your day not matter what you do.

    1. I know Ingatestone Hall is although I've not wandered around the gardens. Danbury Park will have to wait as I was feeling tired and chilly so decided to styay inside. I did some indoors exercise instead.

  9. I've been following for a little while but due to problems with Blogger/Bloglovin have not been able to comment until I decided to start a new blog and changed my settings. All very boring but now I can say how much I enjoy your exploits and life in semiretirement. you seem to be getting the balance just right with your hobbies, walking and some teaching.

    1. I love to get comments so I'm really pleased you've managed to find a way, thank you very much.
      I do enjoy the way things are going right now - long may it last (says she with fingers crossed!)

  10. Sounds like a lovely day ahead for you, Joy! I aim for 20-30 minutes of movement of some kind each day. I hate the word "exercise" and somehow "movement" appeals to me more. Sometimes it is walking, or treadmill or stationary bike or even cleaning around the house. It all counts, I believe!

    1. I agree, it definitely all counts. I've done a bit although it was indoors, not outdoors in the end. But it does all count so it's in the diary!
