Monday 20 January 2020


Good morning!  It's another chilly morning so the heating is up!

Yesterday was lovely.  I did some housework, prepped meals, sprinkled beeswax and generally pottered around until midday when I set off for Writtle, armed with my map (not that I needed it) and camera, well wrapped up against the elements.  I just walked the route around the outskirts of the village, more or less, which took about fifty minutes of reasonably brisk stepping out.  In the winter sunshine, it was delightful and so thought a number of other folk too, doing more or less the same thing.  It was cold though.  The frost lingered in shady spots all day and I was glad of my extra layers.

Houses on one side and this on the other.  

Today is quite busy, once it gets going.  It's Monday so knitter knatter club followed by helping out, home for a late lunch and, finally, tuition.  I don't think there will be an opportunity to walk outside so I will do a half hour with youTube.  I want to look up other villages in the area (there are plenty) because it really was lovely walking around Writtle yesterday.

There's a way into Hylands Park from Writtle too - I might do that some day and spend some time wandering around Hylands.  That would be pleasant.

Have a great day and enjoy the fine weather while it lasts!  xx


  1. Yesterday was gorgeous here too brilliant sun shine which made a real change from all the rain. My chestnut mushrooms are being very slow but are doing something as the soil is getting a white coat of mycelium.

    1. More or less the same as mine then. I'll be patient.
      The sun was very cheering yesterday.

  2. I like your idea of walking around local villages. Our local newspaper published some of these village walks last year so I must see if I can find then online ... something else to add to the list for this year!

    Enjoy knitter knitter club xx

    1. Not boasting, but I thought is was quite a good idea too. I don't know many of the local villages very well at all.
      kk club was fun.
