Thursday 30 January 2020


Good morning to you.  It's not so cold this morning, thankfully, but it's not expected to be as sunny as yesterday either.  A shame.  However, a moderate breeze should see the rest of my washing dried enough to iron and air so that's OK.

Reliable Jeff turned up to give my garden another little haircut so now it's looking neat and tidy again.  I do love it when the bulbs start coming up; the snowdrops are doing well and there's lots of intriguing little spikes peeping through the soil.  I don't have a great variety - just snowdrops, hyacinths and daffs of various kinds as well as tulips )a few) and bluebells later on.  Oh, and a tiny little clump of scillas which come up year after year and never seem to spread.  I hope they come up again - they are such tiny, shy little things and such a glorious blue.

Image result for scillas
(borrowed from Google Images)

Later on, I had a most enjoyable hour or so chatting to Christine over a cuppa and some knitting, catching up on all her news and sharing mine.

Then I did housework, etc, until it was time for governors' meeting which was quite interesting, well worth the time.  For obvious reasons, I can't talk about the contents, but I do think we make a difference, we're not just yes-men.  We have six meeting a year (every other half term) plus the visits to school for various reasons and purposes.

Today I have a great stack of ironing to get sorted, some washing in the machine to hang out and a spare bedroom to sort out and get ready for the next visitor, whoever that will be.
There's one tuition session and then pottery - cheers!  Must sort out my pottery bag - I think the tools and equipment needs to be shared amongst two bags as it can be hard to find stuff.

Wishing us all a happy Thursday.  xx


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks.
      I'm really looking forward to it after a fortnight without.

  2. Those Scilla look really pretty. The garden is still too wet here in the Midlands to cut the grass. It always looks so much better after the first cut of the season.
    Enjoy your pottery seesion

    1. They're very pretty and mine are not as prolific as the ones in the photo. I think maybe I should buy some more bulbs as I dearly love them.

  3. Is Jeff someone you've known for a while or a gardener you found through an advert? However you know him he seems to be a treasure and so reliable. I may be green with envy as I have had no luck finding someone to help me with my garden.

    Don't forget to take your camera so we can see some of your pottery please.

    1. We have a sort of local message board that I 'subscribe' to and I posted asking is there was anyone who could do a onme off tidy up last year as it was very messy and I didn't have the energy (it was while Mum was so ill and died). Jeff answered, did a really good job and I kept him on. He is a rough diamond and a very nice chap indeed, I think.
      Do you have any community sites where you might be able to ask?

    2. There is only one community site that I know of and it seems that all enquiries are answered by established, and expensive, businesses. I may go round the local shops where people advertise their services on postcards and see what that brings.

  4. My grand is n England second week at university. Enjoying it-first week of classes.
