Monday 1 July 2019


Good morning and a pinch and a punch for the first of the month.  July already and at last it feels like good old summer.
Yesterday started off pretty cool (in comparison) but soon brightened up and today is supposed to be quite nice with that lovely breeze and 'sunny intervals'.  I'm not sleeping so have come down at stupid o'clock so there's no point checking out of the window yet!

The journey home yesterday was much better than going.  For a start, being Sunday, there were very few large lorries on the M25 and the only real hold up was, as always, the Thames crossing.  The left hand tunnel had an 'incident' (not 'accident') so maybe it was worse that usual for that time on a Sunday but, as those of us on the right moved into the tunnel, the traffic to the left started moving well again so it must have been cleared.

Once home, I sorted out my stuff.  Suzanne had given me some veg as she's off to Bangkok or somewhere equally exotic today - in fact, she has had a start on me as her car was coming at just before five - and some of the stuff wouldn't last until she got home.  I also acquired a bunch of flowers for the same reason which, once the fading flowers had been removed, looks very pretty.

After sorting out my stuff, which really didn't take too long, I went out into the garden which seems to have been thoroughly watered and everything looks very healthy.

I now have cucumber flowers so, maybe, by the end of the week, I might have tiny cucumbers too.
This is just one but there are others.  I read up about this kind of cucumber and it said that they are nicest picked young, more the size of a courgette than a fully grown cucumber and, judging by the way they are coming on, I won't be short of fruit (and nor will my family and neighbours!).

The tomatoes continue to do well.  However, the label on this plant said it was sungold, but it ain't - not with tomatoes that size, far larger than any sungold I have seen.  It'll be interesting to see how they turn out.

And I was very pleased to see the first little runner bean flowers.  I wasn't so pleased to see the first blackfly of the season thought; the spray has been employed so that's telling them!!

Suzanne said that my jeans will likely be rather too hot for where we're going and she looked through her cut offs to see if there were any I could borrow.  Whether I did or not is by the way (I have done) but imagine - me and the slender Suzanne exchanging clothes.  Wow!!!

Today is a bit busy.
I need to go to Computer World with Beth and then I have some tuition planning to do before starting to plan for Southwold.  There's only four days now before I go.  Woo hoo!!!
In the afternoon, I am helping in Foundation Stage before tuition.  It's all go but it should keep me well out of trouble, don't you think?  I guess I will sleep better tonight.

Enjoy your first day of July!  xx


  1. The flowers are just beautiful (lisianthus?). Cucumbers are one of the best things to grow yourself aren't they, because homegrown ones are just so crisp and juicy and full of flavour - unlike shop bought ones, which are limp by comparison and taste of nothing.

  2. Yes - really very pretty indeed.
    Dad's grown cucumbers for years (not this year though) and I agree, they are = just so very different to shop ones. So much nicer.

  3. I am with you on the cucumbers except the year I grew rather too many and ended up posting them through the neighbours letter boxes as I had so many

    1. lol - better than bills, I am absolutely sure!

  4. I've been giving cucumbers away too - but better than not having any.
    Have a good day

    1. Definitely better - and same to you too. :-)

  5. You garden is looking lovely. Do you grow all your edibles in pots or are they planted in beds? I've grown tomatoes and courgettes in the past but now I've had the garden landscaped I'd have to grow everything in pots and am wondering how well that will work.

    1. The runners and the some of the tomatoes are in beds. Other tomatoes, the cucumbers, the chilli and the raspberries are in pots. It's not one thing or t'other really.
      Tomatoes are great in pots as long as you keep watering them. I wouldn't grow runners in pots as they need room for roots. I did try ages ago and no . . .

  6. Everything in your garden is doing so well - up here we only have tomato flowers still - no fruit as yet. Our problem with growing in pots is what to do when we go up to Scotland - so far we have managed because the weather has not been too bad but if we have a really hot spell everything suffers.

    1. That's one of the biggest drawbacks of container gardening. I am very lucky to have two families as near neighbours whose children I taught in Y1 and, now they are teens, they are very happy to come in and water when I am away, bless them, if required.
      Things like tomatoes and runners, even when in the ground, still suffer quickly so they are real veg heroes!

  7. I just got caught up on your blog entries, as I've been so busy the last week or so I haven't read any of the blogs I follow! I've missed everyone! Sounds like your days have been full, as usual. How exciting to be vacationing in France. Our tomatoes and peppers are full of blossoms, but the cucumbers and zucchini haven't any flowers yet. We're quite a ways behind you. I did a big weeding of the whole vegetable bed on Saturday and it's looking so nice.

    1. Hi, Sue. I miss everyone as well.
      I'm getting very excited about France now. Five and a bit weeks to go!
      I love the way it looks after a good tidy up and weed - there's such a difference. Actually, even just turning the soil over makes it all look loads better! Good luck with your produce. Once it all gets going, there's no looking backi!
