Friday 19 July 2019


Good morning, all.
One and a half pounds on at weigh in.  After a holiday, I am relieved and will lose that next week, I am sure.

Yesterday was quite busy but went well.  I got all the washing and ironing done, including the metres of new fabric Beth and I chose at Blake Farm.  We had a lot of fun picking and choosing and in the end we were extremely happy with what we came away with.  I think I will end up with two beautiful quilts.

Today is busy.  I have a meeting in school, I want to go and watch the leavers' assembly, I'd like to pop into FS and Y1 to wish them a happy holiday, then home for lunch and after that I will be off to Dad's.  All go!!

Time to stop and get going so have a great day and enjoy whatever the weather sends us!  xx


  1. Gorgeous fabrics!! One and a half pounds after a holiday is fantastic, I usually bring back an additional minimum of three pounds :-(

    1. I was pretty happy with that, even thopugh I have had since last Saturday to get it sorted. It was probably more tike three when I came home, to be honest. However, I WILL get it sorted and more. :-)
      I love the fabrics too.

  2. Love the fabric choices, the quilts will look amazing.

    Well done on only gaining one and a half pounds, you'll soon lose that. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks, Eileen. I'm sure I shall, despite any bad weather. :-)
