Wednesday 3 July 2019


Good morning, everyone!  It's a bight morning, fairly cool right now but it will warm up.  Yesterday started off similarly and in the afternoon it felt quite humid but, dear me, it was such a good drying day that I'm not complaining, I'm glad.

Jeff came round at 7:30, as arranged, arriving bang on time.  It seems early, I know, but he doesn't live locally and comes over on specific days to work, so early suits both him and me.  He finished covering the strip with stones, neatened it all off and then finished off the hour with some weeding of the weeds between the cracks with a tool I have specially for that purpose.

Then I got the bus into town, something I hadn't done for a while.  I was looking specifically for suitable things for the summer and for my trip to France, after discussing this with Suzanne who goes often.

We have a number of clothes shops in Chelmsford and, generally, I stuck to the larger ones.  I started with H&M, then wandered round M&S (remembering to go upstairs for the bras), wandered into the precinct and looked around Romans (but not Evans!), into Boots for a few items and finally into the other precinct to get to the bus stop, taking in Next and Primark (no luck there though) on the way.  I was shattered by the time I got on the bus - obviously a retail snowflake!

I had SUCH a good time!

There was loads of stuff I could choose from, I was in and out of changing rooms like a yo yo and for the first time ever I said to myself,  'I think I need to try a smaller size'.  And I was right. 
I have never been a size 10 before (and, obviously, I'm not for everything, it was just a few items but what a thrill), the bras ended up a size down too and I'm afraid I spent way too much money but I DON'T CARE. 

I was walking on air back to the bus!

Oh, nearly forgot, I also stopped off at the fabric stall in the market and fell for a length of batik style cloth which I hope to make up into something in the weeks before France.

Of course, once home, it was a case of unpacking, nipping off paper/card labels and washing everything (including the fabric) which is when I was extremely grateful for the warm and breezy weather.  Combined with the two loads already done earlier, it made a lot of ironing but I didn't want it hanging over until today so I settled in front of the telly and just got stuck in.  Breeze and sun dried clothes really do iron easily so it wasn't a chore, not really.  And - you know - new clothes!

In the evening I settled down with some stuff Beth is making, doing some finishing off for her.  It was nice and relaxing doing that and giggling over back numbers of Have I Got News For You, Would I Lie to You and QI.

I slept like a log!

Today, my first tasks are to re-jiggle things in my bedroom to make room for the new stuff, tidy up the kitchen and do the bit of clearing out I didn't have time for yesterday.  I need to get a few things from the shop and pick up my new prescription before making up the taster I am taking to SW this evening.

The rest of the day will be spent sorting out the clothes and items I want to take to Southwold and trying not to make too much of a mess!  No tuition today so I have right up until SW to get things ready and it is lovely to not feel pushed for time.

The sun is out now and it is gorgeous out there - breakfast in the garden, maybe.  That would be nice!  Have a lovely day, everyone, and I hope you have time for some fun.  xx


  1. I'm thrilled for you, Joy. I can almost feel your excitement with your shopping experience and I don't blame you for spending more than intended.
    It looks like today is going to be bright and sunny. Hope you have a good one. X

    1. Thanks, Jules. It was a good experience and clothes shopping has often been a really depressing experience in the past!

  2. What a lovely cheery post. I dont know if you know but there is an amber museum in Southwold it is tiny and at the back of a shop but really interesting and I bought myself an amber pig ornament when i was there last. Anyway have a blinding good time and where abouts in France are you going?

    1. Thanks, Diane. I will look out for that.
      The family estate is called Trados and the nearest small town is Figeac. Does it ring any bells?

  3. It must have felt wonderful to be able to skip Evans and then buy one or two size 10's. You will enjoy wearing all your new purchases even more now. xx

    1. It was amazing, Viv. I could hardly believe it.
      Evans only goes down to 14, I believe, so I couldn't get anything there now anyway.

  4. That's brilliant! It must be wonderful to fit in a size 10 ... I'm thrilled for you.

    Fingers and everything else are crossed for a good result at your weigh in!

    1. Sort of ten anyway and yes, it felt like a million pounds! Thanks for the crossed fingers. Here's hoping, eh?

  5. Happy changing room dance. How wonderful for you x

    1. lol - yup, that's about it really! :-)

  6. Woohoo on the smaller size! You notice the number on the scales, and your current clothes becoming loose but NOTHING beats the feeling of having to get a smaller size when trying on/buying new clothes! Good for you!! I was out yesterday, as well, and happened through the clearance rack...found a dress to take on a trip, and I had to get a smaller size, too! Enjoy your trip and take lots of pictures!

  7. So glad you had a lovely shopping day! How fun to be able to go get the smaller size!
