Tuesday 30 July 2019


Good morning, everyone.  Yesterday was gorgeous and today seems to be going the same way although the forecast is for light rain later on.  A shame but good for the garden.  Sun and showers is perfect for growing.

I've been on a stroll around the estate!  There are now three baby peppers, all looking very happy.  There are three cucumbers ready to cut plus another one to take to Dad's at the weekend.  I have just picked six tomatoes - four sungolds and two gardeners delights - and, for the first time ever, one truss of tomatoes is threatening to break off because it is so heavily loaded with fruit.  I need to concoct some sort of support for it.  And there are three runner beans nearly ready as well.  If I can, I will save them for the weekend because Dad's might also have a few to pick and we can have our first mouthfuls together.
I do love this time of year in the garden!

Yesterday ended up not quite as nothing a day as I thought it might be.  After tuition, I meandered to the bus stop and took the bus into town.  One arrived, just as I got to the stop, which was great.  Once in town, I sorted out the euro cash first and checked with my bank that I didn't have to do any notifying that I would be using my debit card overseas next week (no, I don't, just take details of the card in case it is stolen).

I then popped into WH Smith and bought two A5 plastic wallets.  One for my passport, medical card, etc, and the other for scans of the same to be kept elsewhere in case the former gets nicked or lost.  This was a useful tip Jackie gave me, being a bit of a globetrotter herself.

After that it was into M&S for some bras.  I knew what I wanted but the M&S at Biggleswade where I looked last time I was at Dad's didn't have the appropriate size.  Yesterday I went up to the rack and there they were - colour, size and cup size, both hanging there and no need to search.  It must have been 'meant'!  (!).
I also bought another watch which sounds more extravagant than it really was as they are not all that costly.  My current one is looking increasingly scruffy now.

Then I set off back to the bus but detoured off into H&M and found just the shirt I had been looking for; long, light and blue and white striped, it will be perfect over jeggings and great for what will probably be very hot weather in France.

When I got to the bus stop, lo and behold, along came the right bus.  I really was very lucky with buses yesterday.

Once home, I washed the shirt and bras alongside some other 'lights' and it all dried very quickly in the warm sunshine.

Then I had a parcel.  I am afraid I have been very bad and bought Nadiya's book to go with her TV series which I am thoroughly enjoying (I really want to make that beetroot sauce for pasta and the egg roll and . . .) plus Phil Vickery's Save Money: Good Diet which show I am also enjoying a lot.  Ooops!
So I sat down and dived in!

That was yesterday.  Today starts off with a tuition session.  Just to clarify, I offer tuition through the holidays when possible but no problem if it's not taken up.  This holiday, I an continuing with my eleven plusser as the test itself is the third week in September and also there's one family that always takes me up on the offer.

After that, it's housework and dealing with those weeds that have the nerve to spring up whenever it rains before Alex comes over and we're going out for lunch.  It's nice that Al wants to eat with his old Nan.

The other thing I want to do is to take copies of the relevant pages of my passport, medical card and debit card and start putting a few things together for next week so Monday isn't too much of a panic.

So - not too busy a day but there's enough to keep me going.  And I have a couple of books to carry on reading too!

I think it will be a lovely day and I hope yours is too.  xx


  1. Today is looking good here too it is sunny and with a bit of wind perfect drying day. I love your comment about walking the estate it is one I use frequently. Imagine what it must have been like to have to ride a horse around your estate!!!

    1. Fun, I should think. And have servants to do all the work, get the horse ready, deal with it afterwards and generally make life very easy!

  2. It must be so satisfying to be able to gather your own produce from the garden - and it tastes so much better too!
    Enjoy your lunch with Alex. X

    1. It really is, Jules, it's the delight of my life right now! Great fun.

  3. We've got heavy rain forecast for much of the day (it's already started), with thunder predicted too. The garden does desperately need it though. You sound very organised, Joy - but then you would be, being a teacher! (my sister in law, also an ex-teacher, is one of the most organised people I know). Have a lovely lunch with Alex. xx

    1. I'm not really, not at heart, but have learnt that a bit of organisation takes away a lot of hassle and extra work. I suppose you would call it imposed organisation! :-)

  4. Hi Joy - so much going on, and especially in your garden. I am so envious as my tomatoes are still small and green, nowhere near harvesting.

    May I add to your travelling friend's excellent advice? As well as having both your original travel documents and a set of photocopies with you, print an additional set and either give them to Beth or leave them in your house where easily found so that if both copies with you are lost, stolen or damaged, or for some reason you can't communicate to tell people where the documents are, there is still a route to the relevant info. It's a trick my previous company used when sending people around the world - they had copies too, but would insist on copies being left in the UK with family as well. You'll probably never need them but the comfort factor is worth the time of getting an extra set of copies.

    Enjoy your lunch with Alex and have a wonderful day.

    1. That is such a good idea, thanks very much indeed. I will do that. I also ought to put contact details for next of kin as well. Not being pessimistic, just thinking.

      Your tomatoes will come in their own time.

  5. I haven't seen the Phil Vickery programme - which channel is it on please?

    Your garden seems to be slightly ahead of the ones in this area. None of my friends have tomatoes, beans or cucumbers any where near ready yet. Enjoy the results of your labours!

    1. It's on ITV and it's the last in the series (I think) this evening but you should be able to get the rest on playback, I think.

      The garden is quite sheltered so maybe that's why.
