Monday 29 July 2019


Good morning, everyone.  After quite a miserable start to the day, by late afternoon it had all cheered up and the sun was shining.  According to the Beeb, today is going to be lovely -  reasonably warm and sunny.  No complaints from me.
At the moment, the sun is just emerging and I'm noticing that it is getting just a wee bit later.  We are in the second half of the year, after all.

It was a lazy old day.  I did a bit of stuff but not all that much really.  I cut a cucumber for Beth to take home (such an effort!!!) and in the evening I sorted out my travel insurance and finished the planning for the little bit of tuition I have today.

Tuition is first thing and then I will be going into town to get some cash and do some bits and bobs before coming home and chilling.  A bit of a nothing day really . . . I can be so lazy sometimes, can't I?  My rather poor excuse is that it is the school holidays!

I've just popped out to view the veg and the pepper plant must have read my blog the other day because, lo and behold, today there are two little baby peppers.
Apologies for the poor photos but aren't they cute?

So that's it really.  Have a good day, everyone.  xx


  1. Good luck with those peppers its fun watching them grow.

    1. It really is. In fact, one of the joys of my life right now is my early morning stroll around the 'estate' (I wish) to see what's grown/appeared overnight.
      Simple pleasures are the best, aren't they?

  2. I need to catch up on grass cutting as soon as the sun dries it out, have a good relaxing day

    1. It'll take a few days to dry properly, I would imagine.
      You have a love3ly day too, thanks.

  3. Are you continuing with the tuition during the school holidays? I've stopped my private lessons until school resumes in September, although a couple of parents would have been happy to continue.

    I know this is the wrong blog but I also wanted to say that your food plans and recipes are a huge source of inspiration for me, so a big thank you x

    1. That's wonderful, Eileen, thank you so much for saying this. I don't get many comments so sometimes I wonder, but the visitors counter goes up so . . .xxx

      I give the option but most don't. I expect the eleven plussers to continue because the 11+ test is in the third week of September so it's getting close. There's one other family that continues when possible but others in the past have not wanted it and that's fine by me.

  4. I hope you have a wonderful day, Joy! I love lazy days, too, and enjoy them often!

    1. It's going very nicely so far, thanks. I'm hoping yours is too. :-)

  5. The peppers are very cute! We've just spotted our first 2 cucumbers. The plants are absolutely huge and must have a hundred flowers - we've been waiting patiently. It's nice to have a lazy day now and then. It always makes me feel so guilty though!

    1. Me too although it really shouldn't. We've been brainwashed into thinking thatif we're not 100% busy and rushed, we're doing something wrong and that's not true.
      Congratulations on the cucumbers - once they get going, they do come thick and fast. They taste so much better than the shop ones too.
