Tuesday 12 March 2019


Good morning, everyone.  As I hoped, it was a gorgeously sunny day yesterday although there was a chilly breeze, albeit nothing that a warm coat and a pair of gloves didn't sort.  Today it's damp and dull right now and the forecast is pretty dire so I will be thankful for four stout walls and a sound roof, I expect.

I got everything done that I hoped to get done.  I'm really not motivated to sort out the books but that's not fair on Beth so I'm doing this:  each time I go upstairs, I will sort five books - just five.  That's nothing really and worked well yesterday so I will continue so to do.

I found this doing the rounds on Facebook yesterday.

I thought I might work through some of them although not all of them apply (which is nice as five years ago they would all have been needed - with bells on).  None of it looks too hard.
Today I will do under the kitchen sink - it's not too bad but it is starting to collect a bit of clutter again.

The biggie for today is pottery (cheers!).  The buttons should have been glazed by now so I am taking the bag, a needle and some thread to sew them on there and then (assuming they are OK).   I have done my homework and have decided to make a few more pendants (I'm thinking gifts here, if they're nice enough) and a set of leaf mug coasters.  Useful things.  Things with an everyday purpose that will be used rather than just making clutter.  I have the pendant thingies I made last week to smooth off and neaten up before firing as well.  So there's enough to keep me busy and happy!

Then it will be home for lunch and later on there's tuition.  And under the kitchen sink, of course.
It should be a busy and satisfying day;  I hope yours is good too.


  1. Replies
    1. lol - I've deleted it now! Don't think it really goes with my blog ethos! ;-)

  2. I'll be joining in on the Easter declutter challenge, although I've already done some of them within the past month so I've got a head start.

    Hope the pottery goes well today.

    1. You're well ahead with your general declutter, aren't you?
      It was great, thanks.

  3. Have fun at the pottery class - will be waiting to see the pictures of the buttons on the garment. x

    1. I made them for a quilted patchwork bag I made a while ago. I have to sew therm on and then I'll take a photo.

  4. I might just have to 'borrow' that chart lol. I could do with some sorting, but often it seems overwhelming. I was so proud of myself that I let go of a whole bunch (probably about 50 books) in the last couple of days. I still have many, many more. Have fun with the pottery. I'd love to see some of your creations

    1. Feel free, Sharon! I think I need to print it out and stick it on my fridge door!
      Books are difficult to moce on, I find, but there are some spaces on the shelves now. I need to tackle my craft and cookery books - that will be difficult but I will donate some to the charity shop so someone else might get more use than I do.
      I have posted some photos (usually on Wednesday posts) but I keep forgetting to take them!!!
