Saturday, 11 January 2025

11-01-25 - not doing very much

Morning and brrrr.   I've just been out to the shed to get in the freezer stuff for today and it is so cold out there.  A hard, hard frost and I'm so thankful the air is still and there's not a breath of wind to chill things even more.  It will look pretty in daylight, that is for sure.
Edit:  daylight and we have freezing fog - pretty but dangerous)

I went to Slimming World and ducked out of doing any lifting, etc.  I usually help fold up the gopaks and put them away but not yesterday.  They're a lovely bunch though and others stepped in and did it all which was such a relief as I didn't want to leave it all to Heidi.
There were loads and loads of new or returning member; there always is after Christmas and it was nice to see some familiar faces again.

Home again and I just chilled really.  It was read, knit, walk about, repeat which seemed to keep everything under a modicum of control without taking any ibuprofen.  The gum/jaw has been absolutely no problem whatsoever.  After Wednesday there's been no pain, no swelling, no aching - just a bit of a yucky taste in the mouth and they gave me mouthwash for that.  Very lucky.

I had a look through my diary to work out the trips I have booked:
Jan:  Oliver (and Nutcracker, of course)
Feb: nothing (oh, the hardship!)
March:  nothing but I do have the Fun and Fitness weekend at Potters
April:  The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (stage show)
May:  nothing
June:  RHS Hampton Court
July:  Brighton and Rye (two separate ones)
August and September:  nothing
October:  Knit and Stitch show
November:  nothing
December:  Thursford Spectacular and Harrods/carols at RAH.
Some good things to look forward to there, for sure.

Today is more of the same really.  I have some ironing and I need, I really need to start sorting out the Christmas stuff.  Getting china in and out of the garden room shouldn't be too much trouble now although I'm leaving the  heavier boxes for now and the Christmas tree is still sitting in the corner looking cheerful when the lights are on.

So that's the weekend pretty much sorted.  How about you?
Stay warm and cosy and have a lovely day.  xx

1 comment:

  1. We have had the coldest night last night and the frost is very heavy. I am finally meeting up with some friends today for lunch with was postponed from early December when we had snow. I’m still not 100% but really need to start going out again otherwise I’ll just stay in until the Spring! Catriona
