Friday 21 November 2014


Welcome to Friday!

That's what I often post on my interactive white board on the last day of the week.  Soon I shall be teaching regularly on a Friday again after a number of years with that being my SEN time.  It will feel off and nice at the same time.

Yesterday was Sort Out Our Show Dance day and I am pleased and to say that  collectively we have come up with something that both the children and I like a lot.  Originally I was going to use 'Happy' for the music but, not having heard it before (shocking, I know) I really couldn't see my way round it.  No clearly defined sections, all sounding the same, just a little too fast . . . no, it didn't work for me.  I ended up with a wonderful oldie, Bill Haley's Rock Around The Clock which the children absolutely LOVE and which is so easy to choreograph.  The sections are very clearly defined and I reckon they'll be singing along as they dance.  I just need to get more hip swing from them.

Mind you, after an hour in the hall, twisting and jiving away, my poor old knee was killing me!

In the evening I did something that will shock my culinary minded chums.  I had some turkey that needed using up plus some mixed veg.  I also had, in the cupboard, some extremely cheap value curry sauce that I bought during Live Below The Line just in case and never used.  I fried the mixed veg in butter, added the curry sauce, some scraps of dried apricots and some chestnut mushrooms, then the turkey, brought it up to a simmer and bubbled it away for about half an hour and you know what - it's really not that bad.  It is how I imagine chip shop curry sauce to taste like, not that I've ever had any, and there's flavour and a spicy tang to it.  I'm quite pleased it has made enough for three and a half!

Today is SEN day, as mentioned above but as well as that I have an exciting meeting which I may be able to talk about in the future and I have my class all afternoon.  Looking forward to it!

And then it is the weekend.


  1. This brings back fond memories and I can taste that curry now, that's the only curry I knew when I grew up (and we thought ourselves the height of global sophistication!) the only thing missing in yours are the raisins! ;-)

  2. Didn't have any, that's why I used the apricots. I needed the sweetness. Raisins would have been better.
    J x
