Thursday 27 November 2014


I was right - the day cleared up and although it was raining lightly when I went to school, by the time the children arrived it had stopped.  The day remained damp and gloomy but not wet.  We will see what today brings - I haven't looked yet.

I managed to take a photo of the crocheted slippers and here it is.  You can see that they are great for cosy toes and they stay on surprisingly well.  Please excuse the lumpy ankles!

I also took a photo of my 'country view'.  It was more frosty than it looks but aren't I lucky to see this view every day.  One of these years they will build on it, I am sure, but until then I will enjoy and appreciate my good fortune in living right on the edge of town.

Adding these photos made me realise that I haven't taken many photos for quite a while and I so used to enjoy my simple and extremely amateur photography.  I seem too busy at the moment for much 'hobby' stuff, but wait until retirement . . .
I remember one holiday in Norfolk I used to just drive around, stopping now and again where the spirit moved to take photos.  That would be fun to do again at some point.

I had the Infant show cast yesterday for a rehearsal in the performance space and really it went very well.  It's going to be fine, which is a great relief.
Mind you, I remember some years ago when the week before the show it snowed - and snowed - and snowed - and froze - and in the end we had to put the show back to the last week.  I doubt that will happen this year!
Producing the Christmas show is one of the delights of my role as KS coordinator, despite the anxiety and the time pressures.

This seems to have turned into a very nostalgic entry.   Never mind, a bit of nostalgia can be a Very Good Thing on occasion, especially when it is happy.  I've heard it said that they don't make nostalgia like they used to.  Never believe it!!!


  1. Those lovely crochet slippers look really toasty.

  2. They really are. I like them! Thanks.
    J x
