Sunday 16 February 2014


Good morning!  Do you like the new photo at the top?  Earlier on in the week I was leaving the house for school and, as I always do, looked left to enjoy the country view.  It's a westward view so the sun was rising the other side of the horizon and was just high enough to touch the trees in the distance and the grounh on the edge of the horizon.  I dashed back in to find my camera as that sort of light is very transient and can disappear in just seconds.  I have to say, I do like the zoom on my camera.  The photo below is the view without zooming in.

Yesterday, as I anticipated, was a lovely, lazy, lounging about sort of day.  The sun was shining, there was quite a strong wind but nothing dangerous, a few heavy showers but nothing too long and some nice chilled white in the evening.  A very enjoyable way to start the half term break.

I did go out into the garden to try to take some photos of the snowdrops but I was singularly unsuccessful.  I will maybe have another go this morning, on different settings.  I did, however, manage to get a lovely shot of the purple sprouting broccoli which is nearly ready to start picking.

Today I have son, daughter and grandson round for lunch.  There's some pork slow cooking in the slow cooker (as it the way of these things) and I will do with it a fairly traditional Sunday roast - roasties, yorkshires (oh yes, they go with just about anything) and some veg.  I have no idea about dessert - maybe a rice pudding or a chocolate sponge and custard or maybe nothing at all!

After yesterday's successful bread baking in the halogen, todayt i am trying rolls and, to make them more interesting I added smoked paprika to the dough and folded in some grated cheese.  The dough is now rising (in a bowl on the radiator, seeing as it's on) and should be ready for knocking back and proving pretty soon.  I hope they're nice.


  1. I'm sure the rolls will be lovely and yes I love the photo

  2. The rolls were lovely. Truly scrummy. I wish I'd measured the cheese out though! I shall just have to say 'a good handful' which is not terribly accurate.
    J x
