Wednesday, 27 February 2013


We survived yesterday.  It was a long day and by the end of the phonic training it felt like it too.  All good though so no complaints from me.  When I got home, mum and dad had popped in earlier to meet Beth to discuss stuff and they had left goodies - some cheese from the Wensleydale Creamery.  Very nice too.  I was too tired to make dinner so I had cheese on ryvita and it was scrummy.  Today is another day and, after a good night's sleep, I feel ready to face the world again!

Today is a 'normal' day (whatever normal means when you are a teacher).  PPA, ICT and we are starting some weaving this afternoon.  Yay!!!

And now I must fly because I'm a bit behind myself.  Just look at that time!!!  Have a good day.


  1. Yes I do some but if they need a lot of cooking then the pressure cooker is pressed into action. eg ox tail

  2. just stopping by to say hi

  3. And hi to Anonymous, whoever you are!
