Sunday 26 February 2012

Sunday morning

I have a feeling it's all going to be a bit inconsequential and rambly today in here, but here goes . . .

Yesterday evening we had a Witches get together planned.  For once it wasn't just for wine, nibbles and giggles, there was a serious (semi) purpose.  We're planning to have a party for the Jubilee, you see, just for those of us in the cul de sac plus others who are either family connections or used to live here and have stayed in touch.  Nothing complicated, just bunting, balloons, food and drink, a bouncy castle and lots of chat but, as is our way, it was necessary to have a get together to plan.  Yes, it was, don't argue!  So, we planned a planning meeting.  Sadly, one witch couldn't come anyway and three were ill enough to need to cancel so in the end it didn't happen.  A great shame all round but it couldn't be helped.

However, to compensate, on Friday it's the infant department Chinese and Chat.  Twenty plus of us in my nice large downstairs space, each bringing something to drink and their contribution to the cost of a Chinese takeaway.  It's always such great fun and I think that this time everyone is able to come,  Looking forward to it!

As my gentle readers must have picked up, our visit to the museum last Thursday was a howling success.  We all had a wonderful time.
There was something that troubled me, however.  The museum staff are always lovely, very accomodating and very helpful.  They bend over backward to make the trip a success and this time was no exception but I picked up an undercurrent of worry that I've never noticed before. 
Firstly, when I went to the shop to pay for the gift bags and collect the invoice, the lady there engaged me in chat about what other areas they could cover to attract more school visits.   This, of course, is not such a bad thing but she seemed anxious about it.
They've always been very good about allowing extra adults to get in on the nod (four per class, plus any special needs assistants, are allowed in free) but this time two extra adults went on the bill.  That's not a problem, we had budgeted for this, but it was new. 
Then she said, very politely and with a hint of anxiety, 'You will ask your office to pay this quickly, won't you?'  We always pay quickly so I wasn't 'offended' by this, but it was a surprise, something that has never been asked before. 
Then, right at the end, as the children were getting ready to leave, another museum lady came to see us off and I had a little chat with her.  They are all very worried about the future of the museum.  It's a wonderful old school building on a prime site and could fetch a whole load of money, should the council decide to sell and I got the impression that as it is the museum is not paying its way.  Times are hard and there's little room for sentiment at present, but I can't help feeling that it would be a tragedy if the place closed and was converted to housing or offices.  Another little bit of our past destroyed for ever.  On the other hand, it would make wonderful housing and I, for one, would love to live in an old school building.  When I went back to look around the little Derbyshire village where I grew up (Aston on Trent), they had turned the old school very sympathetically into housing which looked wonderful.  Here's a screen grab from Google Maps (apologies for the poor quality).  Who wouldn't want to live in a home like this?

And finally, just to complete the inconsequentiality (is there such a word?) of today's effort, I've just has a delicious brekkie.  I was given some Wensleydale cheese from the Wensleydale Creamery and I simply mashed some up with some good butter and spread it onto hot toast.  Mmmm - gorgeous!
The Creamery has a lovely recent history: it was closed with resulting local unemployment, was taken over by some local people and is now a roaring success.  I like stories like that.  If you're in the area, it's well worth a visit, and the cheese they make is fantabulous!

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