Wednesday 22 February 2012


Sorry about yesterday's lack of blog.  One way or another I was either very busy or very tired.  School's going well thought and, at last, my voice is coming back.  I was worried about being back at school and straining it more so have been very careful with how I have used it and it's definitely stronger.  I can even sing in tune again now (although whether that's an improvement or not isn't for me to say!).

We are all deep in preparation for our year 1 visit to Braintree Museum tomorrow now.  It is an 'experience' day so everyone is dressing up in Victorian clothes (or what might pass for Victorian clothes with closed eyes and a lot of imagination) and it should be a huge bundle of fun!  There's no better way for the little ones to learn - when I was at college there was this saying 'I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand' and there's enough truth in that to make it worth remembering, especially for little children.

So we have decided on our safety/behaviour rules (all together so there's 'joint ownership'), the groups are all sorted out, the work sheets are being copied out today, I've got someone to do my early morning duty tomorrow and it's all go.

Today is PPA and there's staff meeting after school .  So that's going to be another very tired evening, I guess!

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