Monday 2 September 2024

Monday evening, 02-09-24

Evening!  How's the day been?
It's been quite busy here in Clark Castle.  I had a Little List and gradually worked my way round it although the first thing I did wasn't on that list.

It was one of the corner cupboards (there are two) - you know, the kind that you can only get easy access to on one side, the rest being in the corner.  I opened it to get something and something just snapped:  I started taking everything out and sorting it all.  There were some things I haven't used for ages.  They went.  I didn't have a clue what a few things were.  They went.  There were some things that I want to keep but they don't need to be in the kitchen.  I moved them.

Then I reorganised what was left.  There are things 'round the corner' (to the right) but I know what they are and where they are now.  And I found a few things that I know I will use regularly and something I used straight away - my electric vacuum pump.  It's so good, pumps the air out of a couple of pots (one is bottom right)  mostly useful for fruit and salad and keeps the produce fresh for much longer.  There's also some bags under the pot that work with the same system.  So now the strawberries and raspberries are vacuum packed and I'll do the leaves and lettuce too.

Looks organised, doesn't it?

I then started my list with a good old tidy up of the kitchen and I processed some cooking apples that had been given me.  They  are now blanched and open frozen and I will bag them up after I have posted this.

I did some washing.  The first load went on the line whereupon it started raining - wouldn't you know.  So they came in, put them on the drying rack and the sun came out.  They stayed on the rack.  The second load was whites and most of them went in the tumble dryer for once.

I did a bit of housework, topped up the water softener that was pretty low, sorted out the end of August finances (I never feel comfortable until I have done this), got everything up to date and walked to Morrisons to pick up some of my medication.  And guess what - it started raining again.  Fortunately, I had an umbrella and wasn't it lucky I hadn't put the washing out.   And I don't have to water that garden tonight.

The rest of the day was spent ironing what could be ironed and chilling.

A few garden photos:

The beans are now growing in the Blankety Bed!  There's two (far right) that seem to have just given up and decided to die which is a shame because they looked very healthy a few days ago, one in the middle that looks extremely unwell and three gaps.  Apart from that, all good!  They look happier in this cooler weather than they did in yesterday's heat.
And these bedding chrysanthemums should be a picture in a few weeks.

Tomorrow I have the dreaded dental appointment - an hour of root canal work.  Not looking forward to that one little bit.  Hopefully, by eleven it will all be over and I will be home with a numb jaw and a tooth that won't cause me any more worries - for a while, anyway.
Fingers crossed.

I'll post now.  Have a super evening and sleep well.  xx


  1. Sending you positive vibes for your root canal treatment. I opted to have a tooth removed instead just to avoid it again. My list for today has become my list for the week!!! :-) xxx

    1. I've had root canal work in the past and, while it is never nice, the outcomes were good. This particular tooth has given me such trouble over this summer and I do want to save it, if possible. xx

  2. I imagine it must have felt incredibly satisfying to have tidied that kitchen cupboard.
    I hope everything goes okay, tomorrow. Xx

    1. Oh, it really was! I can now get at everything much more easily. Nice feeling. xx

  3. Keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well with your root canal. I have never had a problem so keep that in mind.

    God bless.

    1. That's good to know, thanks, Jackie. xx

  4. Great job and try to chill after your root canal treatment. I have had two unsuccessful ones and both teeth had to be extracted. 🥲Catriona

    1. I'm back. The tooth had cracked right down into the root so it has been extracted instead. Cheaper - in the shorter term! I'm feeling rather shaky at the moment so will be taking it a bit easy for a while. xx

  5. Corner cupboards are a trial, however they're built. It feels good to sort them out.
    Hope the tooth is okay and can remain in situ.

    1. It did feel good, yes. The tooth is gone and it feels fine at the moment (after paracetamol!). Extractions are never nice but it's done and dusted now. xx

  6. We have decided to re-organise our little pantry, it will be a 2 or even 3 day event! Saw in the comments your dental visit was an extraction much easier!

    1. It will be lovely once it's all sorted, reorganised and tidy again, I am sure. Worth the disruption. xx

  7. Hope the dentist has been gentle with you today and the extraction wasn't too unpleasant. Maybe a day to take things easy and rest a little.

    1. He was very gentle, thank you. Explained everything and was careful. I'm feeling a bit washed out now but OK, thanks. xx
