Monday 9 September 2024

Monday evening, 09-09-24

 Good evening, everyone.

When I drew back my curtains this evening, my first thought was 'thank goodness I'm no longer teaching'.  
Those of you who have taught, especially the little ones will, I bet, remember those days when the rain hammered down and Welly Drill was necessary.
In they came and the first fifteen minutes or so were spent spreading newspaper on the floor, taking wellies off, finding their wellie peg (assuming they had one), checking their wellies were named (and naming them if they weren't), hanging up dripping wet clothes, finding PE shoes for those who had come in shoes which were now soaking wet . . . and then pretty much repeating the process in reverse at home-time - and playtimes if it wasn't raining too hard.
Chaos - organised, maybe, but still chaos.

It makes me shudder to think of it even now!

I found so many of your messages in my Spam folder.  Sorry; they are where they should be now and I have replied.  I checked spam on Sunday so goodness knows where they have been in the meanwhile.

The weather did cheer up after a while but it has been gloomy most of the day.  I had thought maybe I would drive over to Hyde Hall but I didn't - I did some shopping and cleaned downstairs instead.

I can't go tomorrow as there's a couple of things scheduled but maybe Wednesday.  We'll see.

Have you had a good day.  I do hope so.  Take care, everyone, and pleasant dreams.  xx


  1. We've been fortunate to enjoy a warm, sunny day here. There'll be plenty of rain to come, no doubt. Xx

    1. Maybe, but it's a case of a day at a time. I'm glad yours was good. xx

  2. I'd rather have cold, bright days than damp, gloomy ones, but we have to put up with what we're sent. I do like the unpredictability of our weather, though.

    1. It keeps us on our toes, doesn't it? :-) xx

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you - I slept cosily with a fleece over my duvet. xx

  4. I don't miss those wet school days either. It's been quite showery here today. Hope you are having a good day x

    1. It has been a very pleasant day, thanks. No sun, some rain, but nice all the same. xx
