Saturday 14 September 2024

Saturday evening, 14-09-24

Evening, one and all.  It's been a lovely, sunny day today round here, albeit a bit chilly early and late, especially early!

I decided to pop into town.  I just fancied a look around and I wanted to get some long sleeved PJs from M&S - I love their PJs and I'm finding the short sleeved ones don't really keep my arms warm now the nights are colder.
They had them in, cheaper than Primak and, I think, nicer.  Good old M&S.

I started by walking up to the market to visit the wholefood stall where I managed to get some things I have been looking for.  The yarn stall hadn't opened and maybe that's just as well.  :-)
I strolled around Primark and Next but wasn't really impressed, I went into Holland and Barrett and saw they do Buckwheat flour which I had been searching for before ordering from Amazon.
Then I hit M&S, of course, and got the PJs before going in to Grape Tree where I found some spice I had been looking for for ages (and got a couple more I am getting short of).
I spent some time in the Range where they DID have quite a lot of Christmas decorations.  I didn't fall but I can't say I wasn't tempted.  I got some storage jars instead.  :-)
Finally, I looked around the kitchen area in John Lewis before wandering off the the Jo Malone area.   A while ago, I had promised myself a specific recipe book when I hit my actual target weight again but now I am working to get the bad cholesterol under control, I don't need that book.  I'd like it but don't need it.  So I swapped up and bought the smallest bottle of my favourite Jo Malone scent instead - a nice way to celebrate and reward.

I was flaking out by then so headed back to the car.  I find that a couple of hours or so is all I can tolerate in town nowadays, but I did enjoy the time I was there.

Here we go - a picture update on the broad beans which are coming on nicely at the moment.  I need to put in some canes and string soon, just round the outside.

The runners have almost stopped for now.  There are flowers and there are babies but none to pick.
There's still some dwarf beans and some tomatoes, although they, too, are slowing down.  Inevitable really, isn't it?

Apologies for this being a bit late.  I was watching the Strictly launch.  Very enjoyable, quite 'careful' and determinedly upbeat but some interesting pairings and it is so lovely to have Amy back again.
Autumn has definitely landed once Strictly starts - in fact, one almost feels it is time for the tree to come out.  No, don't worry, I'm not, but it does make me feel festive.  It's all that glitter, I suppose.

And now it is bedtime so I will love you and leave you with wishes for a good sleep and very pleasant dreams.  See you tomorrow.  xx


  1. I don’t like shopping but sometimes it’s necessary! Love the idea of the long sleeved PJs-I could certainly have done with them in the Moho this past week. Catriona

    1. I saw on Facebook that you had found it rather cold. I gather it should get milder again soon - fingers crossed . . . xx

  2. Your broad beans are doing well. I've just got some beetroot left in my raised bed, and the pumpkins are beginning to ripen.
    I'll probably be making a visit to M&S myself, soon. Having grown, yet again, Lily will need some more winter pyjamas. Xx

    1. You should find something good there. xx

  3. Your broad beans are looking good. Very soon my veg beds will just have leeks and butternut squash but as that's more than previous years here I'm happy.

    1. Leeks from the garden are a whole different flavour from the shop ones, I think. So very delicious. Ditto squash. Lovely! xx

  4. It's nice to have a wander round the shops occasionally, just to see what's there.

    1. Yes, it is. Also to see which shops are still there and which seem to have vanished - like Sweat Betty which I have never gone into and had on my list to look around. Too late now! xx

  5. I've been checking through my clothes over the weekend, and I've dug my PJs out, it really is getting chilly at night isn't it. That sounds like a very good 'reward' swap, I hope you enjoy your new perfume.

    I texted my brother yesterday and asked him to set up Mum's tv to record Strictly while he was there dropping off her shopping. She keeps forgetting to even turn the television on, but she does love Strictly Come Dancing and used to look forward to it every year.

    1. It really is - winter PJs and snuggle hood type things are definitely the way to go at the moment.
      Good call re Strictly. Autumn can start properly now Strictly is on!

  6. What did you wear last winter in bed?

    1. Old PJs that were well past their sell by date. I got one new pair for the cruise but took some of my Christmas PJw too - and they are for December and early January. Yes - I am daft!! :-) xx

  7. A lovely roundup of your Saturday 😍
    We will be watching Strictly on catch up but M in law had told me that recent issues weren't mentioned - Thank goodness, I think that would have been a mistake, hopefully we can all just enjoy the dancing now.
    Alison in Wales x

  8. Sometimes it's nice to have a wander around. I didn't spend a lot of time shopping while I was over, but I seemed to come back with a lot of stuff! I saw way too much that I liked for Granddaughter and at such reasonable prices.

    1. Well, of course. Grandchildren always have that effect . . . bless them. xx
