Thursday 5 September 2024

05-09-24 and a soggy morning at Petworth

Evening, everyone.  And what a day of wetness it has been round here (on the South Downs).  I think it has stopped raining now (at half past nine) but iy didn't let up all day.  Even the plants looked fed up by the end of the afternoon!!

We did out visit to Petworth because apart from the walk from the car park to the house, it was all indoors.

Petworth is a late 17th century Grade 1 listed house in West Sussex, built in 1668 by Charles Seymour, 6th Duke of Somerset and for centuries it was the southern home of the Percy family, Earls of Northumberland.
Petworth is really famous for it's extensive collections of art of various kinds and that is what is showcased in the house.  There are works by Turner, Van Dyke, Reynolds, Gainsborough and there is a terrestrial globe believed to be the only one in the world in its original 1592 state.
There ae also extensive grounds, a deer park and various gardens although on a day like today, exploring the grounds was the last thing we wanted to do.
And, of course, being NT, there is a shop and, yes, I got a fridge magnet!  Yay!

Here's some of the photos I took.  The lighting was very low so the clarity isn't the best, sorry.

(and they have come up in random order - no idea why that happened, sorry.

Well worth a visit, even more so if you are interested in art.  Thanks for taking me, Suzanne.  xx


  1. That looks like a very interesting place to visit. Too bad that you couldn't visit the gardens. Darn rain.

    God bless.

    1. Yes but not to worry - it was a lovely morning and the afternoon was very relaxing. Nice. xx

  2. Shame about the gardens but it's miserable in the rain. Twas awful here all day. Damp grey mist which didn't clear even though it rained frequently.

    1. It would have been. There were plenty of visitors as the carpark was pretty full but no-one was braving the grounds! It didn't stop here until the evening. Goodness knows what it will be like today but fingers crossed it is at least dry so we can do Wisley. xx

  3. That looks like a good place to visit - shame about the weather.
    Fine all day in Suffolk!

    1. Yes, it was horrible but it was a lovely visit all the same. That's British weather for you.
      It was lovely in Chelmsford too! Ho hum! xx

  4. Petworth looks like a place that deserves more than one visit, to see it all.
    You might need your umbrellas today for Wisley!

    1. Oh, yes, most of these places are, I think. If you live near enough, the park is a lovely place to ramble regularly. If I had a Petworth nearby, I wouldn't have stopped my NT membership.
      It's pelting down right now but the forecast is for some dry spells. Or we get wet! lol

  5. Haha, you photographed Big Foot. Sorry you had such a wet day for your visit, you will have to come another day. I like the Pleasure Grounds in the winter when the trees have lost their leaves and the sky and the view opens through the tracery of their branches and the ground is covered with snowdrops and then the early Lent daffodil from January to March. The house stays open all year round nowadays and Petworth town is good for a spot of ‘independent shop’ Christmas shopping. Fear it is going to be wet for your Wisley jaunt Take Two, so maybe explore all the different climate zones of the glasshouse and have a leisurely lunch. Suddenly autumn has arrived after a hot and dry August in the South and after our swim yesterday (the rain was hammering down on the flat swimming pool roof) we dived into our village shop for essentials and a few treats and late afternoon I lit the wood burning stove for cosiness. Sarah in Sussex

    1. lol - yes, I did. I thought is was just so realistic and sort of satisfying really!
      Yes, at the moment it's still really wet and maybe we will have to rethink our plans. It's a shame but there will be another time and I am sure the Broomfield coach people will organise another Wisley trip at some point. It is always popular and fully booked.
      Lighting the fire sounds blissful - really cosy and snug.

  6. Glad the weather didn’t spoil your day out. We have a lovely day here today and I have been to have my haircut for the first time in 12 weeks! The door in the salon was propped open to try and cool it down. Crafting today when I should be ironing, Catriona

    1. You are obviously a very sensible person who makes the best choices. Hair and then crafting . . . quite right too. :-) xx
