Tuesday 3 September 2024

Tuesday evening, 03-09-24

Good evening, everyone.  Just a short one after a wearying day.

For those of you who haven't seen yesterday's comments, I went into the dentist expecting root canal work and a crown and left it minus a tooth.
It had cracked down one side into the root and that was probably why I had that trouble a fortnight ago.  As the dentist said, it would get easily infected and there was no point crowning it now.  So out it came and I have an appointment with Mr Clough to talk implants because I'm not having a denture, no way!

It's been sore but I've taken paracetamols and it's just a dull ache now, mostly the gum which is bruised and a bit swollen.

And, basically, that was my day.

Tomorrow I am off to stay with my friend, Suzanne, for a few days.  I'll be blogging but maybe not daily and maybe not in the evening, it all depends.  She lives off the A3 so wish me luck with the M25/A3.  junction.   I've remembered to pay the Dartford Crossing toll (both ways) so yay me!

Night everyone.  xx


  1. Bad luck. It will feel better very soon. Hope it hasn't affected your speech :-)
    Enjoy your break away with your friend.

    1. Ah, thank you. Speech is fine, thanks, it was a back tooth. Just a bit sore now and I will sleep well. xx

  2. Sorry about the tooth. I hope the soreness totally disappears very soon. Enjoy your stay with your friend.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, Jackie. I can rinse with saline solution from this morning - that usually helps the healing. xx

  3. Oh no! I'm sorry to hear this. I hope it can heal now, and you can enjoy a relaxing few days. Xx

    1. Thanks, Jules. It is what it is and it can only get better which is good because it's not bad now. xx

  4. Didn't your dentist give you after extraction instructions which would include washing your mouth out with hot water several times a day as well as taking pain killers and resting? It might be worth you checking.

    1. Yes, he did - not on the first day though. I have a leaflet with the info on it. xx

    2. Hot salt water.

    3. Yes, that's right. :-) xx

  5. Oh, bit of a wrench losing a tooth isn't it, seems so final. Hope the pain eases soon and you have a good, eventless journey and an enjoyable few days with your friend. xx

    1. It's fine, thanks. I'm taking meds for a short while but the worst is the bruising rather than the 'hole'. I'm nearly ready to leave so thanks. xx

  6. So sorry you lost the tooth. That's exactly what happened to me. I have a denture/plate thing, honestly I never wear it and I manage to eat everything ok. It's for a few back teeth so nobody notices. Hope the soreness wears off soon and the socket heals quickly :-) xxx

    1. It's not just the chewing, I don't want that sunken cheek look and I don't want the gap to affect the position of the tooth next to it. It's a crown and might start moving and teeth tend to do.

  7. Safe journey and hope your mouth has recovered. Catriona

    1. Thank you. The journey was fine and the mouth is recovering, phew!! xx

  8. I hope the mouth problems don't interfere with your visit to your friend, or with eating. Have a lovely time Joy xx

    1. I smiled at that thinking of the way Suzanne and I talked non stop yesterday. Thanks, Sooze, it is fine. Healing well. xx

  9. Hope you are ok now after having the tooth removed. I've been to the dentist today for what I thought was a filling that had come out. It was a piece of the tooth instead but my lovely dentist added a bit more white filling and we will see how it goes. It didn't cost too much either :-)
