Wednesday 25 September 2024

Wednesday evening, 25-09-24

 Evening, one and all.  The week seems to be flying past and I almost forgot to put out my bins for collection early tomorrow morning.  I could have lasted out another fortnight but I'm glad I don't have to.

When I started using my mobile to take photos today, I found a few that I had taken on our walk last Saturday and thought I'd share one.  It was lovely weather.

And here's those broad beans . . . doing nicely!  Not a great photo though.

Today was another very pleasant day, what with a lovely chat with Christine, some more clothes sorting so I could take stuff to Lindsey for her next pop-up shop and then personal training when Lindsey said to come early and have a look through the jackets as there were some nice ones.  And there were - I came home with two new-to-me ones.

For the time being, I have ordered a very cheap, lightweight digital camera that seemed to have some very good reviews, despite the price.  I suppose cameras have moved on a lot since I got the one that's not behaving and what would have cost a lot then doesn't now.  I have also ordered a camera card reader so maybe I can salvage the photos I took yesterday.  We will see.
I went for the lightweight on because I think It will be much more practical on my coach trips when I don't want to be lugging weight around more than I can help.

All in all, a useful sort of day really.
And now it is chill, relax, wind down time so that's exactly what I'm going to do.  All the best, everyone, and stay warm.  xx

1 comment:

  1. I no longer have a camera as I just use my phone-it’s made me lazy as I used to have a great Canon digital. More garden stripping today as the red bin was emptied and I promptly filled it up again! Catriona
