Tuesday 17 September 2024

Tuesday evening, 17-09-24

Evening again, everyone.  Thank you for your understanding yesterday.  I was so very shattered - maybe because Lindsey's classes have resumed but also I was leading an evening chat on Slim Win (which went fine) and maybe I was brain tired.  So I went to bed, fell asleep very quickly and don't remember needing a necessary trip down the landing in the night, waking this morning just past seven o'clock, I think.  I must have needed it, that's for sure.

Thank you for all your messages about Beth.  The oral thrush has gone, the threatened cystitis has responded to gallons of cranberry juice and an over-the-counter medication, the abscess seems to be finally responding to the antibiotics and she has been feeling loads better and brighter today.  The GP visit was not helpful but I won't go into that because it's not fair.
I'm feeling less concerned for her now.

Lindsey's classes have restarted.  Monday's was circuits and she said she was starting us in gently which rather makes me fear for the last few session in the block!!  No, seriously, it was fine; there were five of us and we all enjoyed it very much.
Today's Groove was all new sequences and some different movement.  I really enjoyed it; ditto for the walk there and back with Chris in glorious sunshine.

The weather has been lovely, a two load drying day.  Overall not particularly warm but sunny and cheering.  So today was a two load ironing day!!

The flower beds continue to look lovely.  I just spotted this little group when I opened the curtains this morning and dashed out to snap it before they 'moved' (which they did).

And below are some of the bedding 'mums that I planted several weeks back and which now are just lovely.

The broad beans are also coming on a treat.  Not a sign of any blackfly yet - but I am keeping a close eye open, just in case.

I think that just about covers my exciting life!  I need to focus on housework tomorrow; I'm not out until personal training so maybe I can do upstairs (much needed) and downstairs (just needed).

Thanks for all the lovely comments - do keep them coming.  Alison, your comment hasn't appeared in Spam but I will keep looking.
All the best, everyone, have a great night's sleep and a fab day tomorrow.  xx


  1. Glad Beth is feeling better. Beautiful pink flowers which brightened my evening. I’ve just noticed Bake Off starts next Tuesday so looking forward to that! Catriona

    1. So it does! It's the season for good TV, isn't it.
      I have Nadiya's new programme on record and I'm enjoying Who Do You Think You Are too. xx

  2. What lovely flowers 🌺
    So glad today has been better all round.
    I had just mentioned that I love the blanket - I've got a waffle blanket on the go, but it's slow progress and doesn't have that great built in border. The waffle stitch is so appealing in it's squishiness!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It is squishy, isn't it. It makes it all soft and cosy and snuggly and that border is just brilliant. I might do a simple edging to finish off but I'm not sure it is needed really. I'll see when the time comes. xx

    2. I know - you signed it. < grin > xx

  3. Autumn flower colours are lovely, bright but not garish.

    1. Yes, they are - they reflect the slow closure towards the end of the year vibe, I think, a slightly 'dusty' tint, like the leaves. xx

  4. I'm glad Beth's feeling a bit better now. Those flowers are lovely. Xx
