Tuesday 10 September 2024

Tuesday evening, 10-09-24

Evening, one and all.  I'm sure I don't need to point out that we are now one third of the way through September.  How???  Mind you, checking my finances, I note that I am not a third of the way down so that's very pleasing!

Chris came round for coffee at nine this morning.  It is usually Thursday at ten but this Thursday the car is going in to have the work done that should have been done a fortnight ago and, thinking about it, that will deal with the 'I haven't spent so much this month vibe, won't it?  Oh, well.
And at nine because we both had things on later.
It was really nice.  It's nearly a fortnight since the last one so we had loads to catch up on.

A bit later, the lovely Sharon arrived and under an hour later I was all neat and tidy again.  We've set the dates until Christmas now which is great.

I did some housework, some cooking, bits and bobs and some knitting.  Actually, plenty of knitting.  The bright red jumper is coming on now and I might have finished it by the end of the week.

I know the light is bad but I thought how nice and colourful the middle bed is looking.  I've been consistently dead heading and it does make a difference as the plants throw up more flowers.

Even in the dull cloudiness, it brightens things up.

I'm looking forward to bedtime.  Yesterday I added a fleece to my duvet and I was lovely and cosy warm overnight.  Really snuggly and comfortable.  I might go up a bit earlier and read for a while - that would be nice.
Good night, everyone.  I hope your day has been lovely and you have a great night's sleep.  See you tomorrow.  xx


  1. Bright flowers on a dull day really do make a difference. It would be nice to have some more September sunshine. We have had some, but not enough.

    1. They do . . . and the colours are so vibrant.
      More sun would be wonderful. xx

  2. The flowers bed is stunning. Our front garden is being altered this week-photos when it’s done. Catriona

  3. The time is going by ridiculously quickly, it's feeling like the weeks are merging into each other. No sooner do I turn the calendar over to the next month than it fills up with appointments, meetings and visits that are needed and the time just whizzes by. I have had to start ticking things off as they are done to prove to myself that I have done them and that we are now on the next day.

    That brick bed of flowers looks absolutely gorgeous, while we might not have enjoyed all the rain this year the flowers certainly have haven't they. Yep, I have added an extra thin quilt on top of my duvet now, it will be time for the Winter weight one to come out soon.

    1. That6's exactly how it feels right now. Time and life are just whizzing past at full speed. Better than dragging because of boredom, for sure. :-) xx

  4. The flower bed looks gorgeous, Joy. Mine have all but faded now, and with chilly nights forecast for the rest of the week, I've brought the lemon trees indoors. X

    1. That's very wise. It felt quite frosty this morning (it wasn't) and, please, no frost yet while the tomatoes are going great guns . . .

  5. Your flower bed looks so bright and cheerful, Joy.

    1. Thank you - it's done a lot better this year than it did last year. xx
