Thursday 5 September 2024

Thursday morning, 05-09-24

Good morning, everyone.  It's Thursday morning, it's been raining and it looks as if there's a lot more to come.  Great for Suzanne's beautiful garden - I'll try to take some photos later.

Going back to yesterday morning, I left home around ten forty five and set off down the road to the A12/M25/A3, a very simple journey really but with potential for major holdups as they all have Reputations!  As it happens, it was a really good journey with the only hold up at the Wisley roundabout and even that wasn't so bad really.  It was slow but traffic light controlled.

I was at Suzanne's house by five to one.

And we talked.  Oh, how we talked.  We talked over lunch, we talked over coffee, we talked through the late afternoon, while we were prepping dinner, through dinner and well into the evening . . . 
Well, we had a lot to catch up on.

Thank you all so much for your kind queries about the tooth - or, rather, the not-tooth!   It's fine, thanks, no problems and the actual socket (what a horridly vivid word that is 
in this context) has given me no problems and the jaw, while bruised and aching, of course, is OK and in no way have either stopped me eating or talking!!  It's going to ache for a while; I remember when I had those front teeth out in preparation for the implants - the bruising was far worse than the wound.

We're planning a visit to Petworth House today because rain is forecast and that can be an indoor thing.  I'll take photos, of course.
Here's a link to the web site.  It is a National Trust property; I'm no longer a member but Suzanne is so the parking will be free.
We can, of course, always get wet!

And then tomorrow we plan to hit Wisley - yay.  Suzanne was very pleased because, like me, she visited recently and wants to go back.  The main problem is that on the way back we will have to get onto the A3, drive up to That Roundabout and go round it to head back down again.  However, Suzanne is OK with that and I can take careful note of lanes, etc.  

I'll love you and leave you here.  I may post this evening with some photos but it all depends on whether I have time so please forgive me if there's nothing!  It's not just writing the post, it will be uploading and editing the photos too.
Have a wonderful Thursday, everyone.  Stay dry.  ☔  xx


  1. I always loved the kitchen and below stairs at Petworth House. Have a great time! x

    1. It is a lovely place - all that wonderful art, china, etc. xx

  2. It sounds like you have a wonderful day ahead of you. All the chatting and eating will hopefully be keeping your jaw moving nicely and take the ache away sooner. xx

    1. This has just appeared in Spam! Sorry. Yes, the talking really did help and stop any stiffening. xx

  3. I hope you continue to have a lovely, if wet, visit with your friend.

    1. It's been so, so wet today. Steady and heavy rain all day. That's what umbrellas are for, isn't it? xx

  4. So glad to hear that you are enjoying a visit with your good friend and that the dental stuff is doing ok. Wet day here but I've already done a few tasks and this afternoon I'm planning a sit down with some knitting - I hadn't been fancying knitting for ages but suddenly wanted to knit a cabled hat and now I've cast on another 😀
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Oh, I know exactly what you mean - I'm the same . . . I just love to sit and knit. xx

  5. Good start to your visit-enjoy Wisley. Catriona

    1. Thank you. Fingers crossed for reasonable weather tomorrow. xx

  6. Isn't it lovely to have the company of a good friend on a day out. It's so much more interesting when you have someone to share the experience with. Glad to hear that the socket (eeek) isn't causing any discomfort

    1. Very eeek.
      Yes, it is nice. It has been a lovely day. xx
