Saturday 28 September 2024

Saturday evening, 28-09-24

Good evening, everyone.  What a pleasant day it has been.  The rain has departed (temporarily), the wind has died down and we had sunshine.  Not warmth, that would be expecting far too much!  😉
I am hoping that none of you has had any issues with the poor weather today or yesterday.

Talking of warmth, today's the day I gave in and put the heating on.  I was hoping to wait until October at least but there's such a thing as being sensibly frugal and such a thing as being a Scrooge, isn't there?   I am after the former, not the latter.
It was only five degrees Celsius outside this morning.  That's cold without heating!  Or maybe I am just a wimp!

And on a totally different subject, big apologies to Jules.  There were four of her comments in my spam folder,  FOUR!!!  They're where they should be now and thank you for commenting.  

Here's the jumper I have finished.  I said it was chunky and slouchy!  It is also super warm and very comfortable to wear and looks nice with a roll top underneath and leggings or jeans..

I have some yarn left so I've dug out a child's jumper pattern and I'm making a jumper for Chris' grandson who is rwo soon.

The blanket is coming along really nicely too and it is really nice to chop and change from knitting to crochet as I fancy
(and it keeps my fingers warm too).

I haven't really done anything very much today really.  Just pottered, doing homey things in a homey sort of way.  It is, of course, Strictly this evening so I am very much looking forward to that.  It's the first elimination week and there's a little group of them who are jostling for that 'honour', I think, and I don't want any of them to go.
What do you think - who do you think will be in the bottom two and who will leave?

Well, I am going to get this posted now.  Do enjoy whatever you have planned this evening and stay warm.  xx

1 comment:

  1. Lovely warm-looking jumper and it's so nice to be able to layer.
