Sunday 21 July 2024

Sunday evening, 21-07-24

 Evening, everyone.  I've had a lovely, gentle, relaxed day today.  The weather's not been great.  No rain quite a lot of cloud, but it's been comfortable, which is nice.

I blame my daughter!  Ever since she bought me a Nespresso machine for Christmas a year and a half ago, I haven't knowingly made myself instant coffee; nowadays it is either Nespresso or cafetiere coffee and it's lovely.
One step further is grinding your fresh coffee beans - so guess what I have treated myself to.  It's for coffee or for spices, just a small gizmo and I hope I do use it although it didn't cost an arm and a leg.  I'll let you know.
But it is really Beth's fault . . .  😉

Oh, my goodness, the runner beans really are trying to escape.  They're now twisting around the fence slats and over the top of the fence.  I've pinched out growing tips and it's just growing sideways.  No complaints, it looks really nice, just not what I expected, never having grown runners against a fence.  It's always been wigwam-in-the-bed type support before.  
And it gives me happy vibes.

There's just the one disappointment about the coming week.  My lovely friend, S, was coming to stay for a few days but, for very good reason, she's had to postpone her tay.  We WILL get together, it just won't be this week.
To cheer me up, originally, V was coming over for lunch on Thursday, we rescheduled because of S coming, I contacted her this morning and she can come this Thursday.  Looking forward very much to that!

Good night,. everyone.  I hope your Sunday has been really pleasant too.  Take care and sleep well.  xx


  1. Instant coffee just isn't as tasty is it?
    I'm sorry your friend has needed to cancel her planned stay. Hopefully you can both reschedule for another time. Xx

    1. Sadly, no, it isn't. And really nice coffee is lovely! xx

  2. We had our family lunch today which went well and my niece and her Mum are now on their way to spend time with my sister in law’s family before flying home on Wednesday. Catriona

    1. I'm so glad it went well and you all had a pleasant time. xx

  3. Ever since my coffee machine (not Nespresso, but something similar) bit the dust I have resorted to instant. I add a bit of flavouring to it and it's OK. but I do miss the convenience and the taste! A friend grinds her own beans and swears by it but it's a step too far for me.

    1. Oh, that's a shame, I would miss mine, even though it is just a very basic, one job affair. I use 'wonky pods' which are more reasonable in price.
      I'm really looking forward to using this grinder. It won't be wasted because it's also a spice grinder and I will definitely use it for that anyway. Freshly ground spices are so much nicer. xx

  4. Sunday was a good day, we visited Mum and took cream cakes and fancy biscuits for all the staff to share ... and of course one each for Mum and Alan. And with permission, Mavis got to visit too, although she found it all a bit overwhelming and slept under Mum's bed for most of the visit.

    It's amazing how beans love to grow up a fence isn't it, I ended up putting two permanent heavy wire fences down the centre of two of my raised beds on the veggie patch in Wales and got lots more beans than wigwams ever gave me.

    1. I'm just letting them roam along the fence. It will be easy enough to clear once they are finished.
      What a wonderful day for you all. I'm sure everyone appreciated your kindness. xx

  5. Our machine grinds as well as makes coffee. I don't use it as I don't like coffee, but I enjoy looking for different beans.

    1. I'd love one of those really posh coffee makers that goes from beans to brew but they are expensive, aren't they. Maybe, one day - when my premium bond boat comes in! :-) xx

  6. I really like the idea of the beans on the fence. I hadn't thought of that before. Thank you, Joy I might try that next year. I'm sorry you had to have the get- together with your friend postponed. Hopefully you will be able to rearrange very soon.

    1. I am absolutely sure we will, thanks. The main issue with using the fence (for me) is that they have to go in pots and then there's the issue of enough root space and enough feeding/water, especially for things like runner beans. But I think it is worth a go and it may sound soppy but they do look nice - exactly what the Elizabethans thought, I guess.
