Saturday 27 July 2024

Saturday evening, 27-07-24

Hello, everyone.  It has been a really lovely day here, all warmth and sunshine.  I hope it's been as pleasant your way too.  Tomorrow and Monday are supposed to be equally nice, if not better so that's something to look forward to.

Today started with SET class online.  I tried to get it set up on my laptop in the garden but not only was the connection a bit flaky, the screen was a bit dark in the bright light and I couldn't really see what Lindsey was doing so I decamped indoors to finish.  Oh, well, it was worth a try; just a shame it didn't work.

Today, the washing line had top priority for the hole in the ground.  I had two loads - just about - plus the time and the will to get it all done, so I did.  Obviously, it was a good drying day and it is all now ironed and waiting to be taken up and put away.  I do like it when the laundry baskets are empty (yes, plural - one upstairs and one down for kitchen stuff and downstairs loo towels, etc.

The big excitement (OK, small things please small minds, maybe) of the day was this salad as it was all from the garden - leaves, cucumber and tomatoes.  And very sweet and delicious it was too.  
Happy times.

I don't seem to have done all that much today but it was very pleasant.  While the washing line did the necessary, I curled up in the egg chair and read.  So pleasant.

Tomorrow I really MUST do a bit of garden stuff, I really must.  Early morning would be best, before the sun is too hot.  I think I need motivation vibes so if you have any spare . . . 

Well, It is quite early but I will get this posted, do some watering and then begin my wind down.  Hoping you are well - I read on the BBC news that covid and whooping cough are both causing a few problems at the moment so stay safe, everyone.
Sweet dreams.  xx


  1. Hope I can send good gardening vibes your way - yes, morning is the best time but I never manage it as I just must get caught up with the news in the papers first! And by then it's too hot.

    1. Maybe not this early thought. It is quarter to four here and I am wide awake so came down to do something productive until I feel sleepy again. Fortunately, I don't have to be up for any set time so can sleep in, if possible.
      (or do some early gardening as soon as it gets light, maybe? )

  2. Lovely to eat your own produce. I always think that home grown tomatoes are so much nicer than shop bought. I’ve been really disappointed with shop bought toms, lately! No flavour!

    1. They can be totally tasteless, can't they? The more expensive ones are better (but expensive!!) and still not as delicious as home grown. I can't wait for the glut - I eat them like sweets. xx

  3. Homegrown salad - how very satisfying.
    I knew about the upsurge in Covid, but not whooping cough. The anti-vax lobby has done us no good at all.
    I was awake at 3:30 this morning - cramp!

    1. It really hasn't, I agree.
      Cramp is horrible. I hope it's more comfortable now. xx

  4. Your salad plate looks tasty and so much the better for being Home Grown.
    Sorry if you've mentioned this already but I was curious as to what you're take is on the Strictly ' crisis '........ I know you're a big fan, as am I......... no worries if you'd rather not say x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Good question and I expect it is very complex and involves all sorts of expectations, 'Italian Stallion'/masculine/gender/financial pressure conflict sort of stuff, lack of understanding of how terribly hard it is to dance professionally and become the super-athletic person that's required, plus financial pressures and, maybe, sheer temper. The fact that the BBC are putting chaperones into rehearsals next season seems to acknowledge that there's an issue to resolve and I think they need to consider more carefully the calibre of the celebrities they choose. Having said that, I am sure there have been some abuses, either deliberate or unrealised. I am sure that when professionals rehearse, there's plenty of abusive/bad language from both partners. It's a highly emotive thing to do.
      I am also sure that most of the professionals are perfectly good at teaching their celebrity partner without causing undue stress/upset.
      I don't know how it will all pan out but I do hope something good will come out of it.

    2. Thanks Joy, I agree with every word you wrote - well expressed 😍
      Alison x

  5. Very satisfying when your plate is filled with produce from the garden and just slightly warmed by the sunshine. I'm sure it was delicious.

  6. That salad looks delicious, Joy. I hope you're enjoying the sunny weather. Xx

    1. It was a bi8t hot yesterday (Tuesday) but, generally, very much so, thanks. xx
