Monday 22 July 2024

Monday evening, 22-07-24

Hi again, everyone.  I hope you're all wall and have had a good day.

The weather was a bit - let's say uncertain today.  It started off with a bit of sun so I started a load of washing.  Then it started drizzling, which was annoying.  In the afternoon, out came the sun again so I put that load out and started another.  There was a good breeze which really helped.

This morning was a bit hokey cokey.  You know - in out in out.  After watering the garden (I read it is better to water in the morning rather than the evening unless it requires both), I drove over to Lindsey's for circuits which was as good as it always is - so excellent.
After breakfast, I went to the surgery to book my meds review appointment (there were no spaces online and the email said contact the surgery if that was the case) and then on to Longacres to get a little something for a belated birthday present for a friend plus a tarragon plant for myself..
After lunch I was in and out hanging up washing, etc, until the coffee grinder arrive.  It works really well - although I do have to get used to amounts.  I used my single mug cafetiere and the fist attempt was too weak.  By the time I got it just right, I was a bit coffee-logged but not to worry!  It was VERY nice coffee.
I'm just finishing off the ironing and then I'm done for the day.  Tomorrow HAS to be dusting and sweeping.

Tomorrow is also the last day of the summer term at school.  Some areas finished last Friday, I know, but not here.  Then, come the evening, there's a farewell party as one very much loved member of staff is moving on and several other much loved staff are retiring.  Fish and chips - lovely!!  
I may possibly not do a blog tomorrow evening, it just depends on how things all go.

Sleep tight and sweet dreams to one and all.  xx


  1. Glad to hear hear you got the amount of coffee needed just right. It sounds like you are timing things well to get your laundry dried on the line. I do the same in California. With this heatwave, it dries in a couple of hours.

    1. Yes, or even sooner if there's a nice breeze. I do like to be able to get it all done, ironed and away within the day although, looking to my right, there's some that I didn't put away last night - ooops! xx

  2. There must be something about the last day of term, and eating fish and chips :)

    1. Oh, yes!!! I'm taking a diet coke with me seeing as I'm off the alcohol. Really looking forward to it. xx

  3. A pleasant social outing to look forward to with like-minded company. I'm sure you will enjoy it.

    1. Absolutely will. It'll be nice to see old friends. xx

  4. I'm intrigued by you taking a diet coke, is your fish and chips party at school? Cooked by the school kitchen?

    1. At school. Thing is, budgets no longer allow for beanfeasts. Ages ago, we tried bring something for the table and ended up with so much wasted food. So we all said what we wanted from a list and paid and it will be delivered by the mobile van. No waste (or not much) and no washing up afterwards. After all, it is the end of the school year today and no one will want to have to come back in tomorrow.
      They did this last year when someone left and it worked so well. xx

    2. What a good idea! Hope you had a lovely school's out evening! x

    3. It was absolutely fantastic to see old colleagues and catch up a bit. xx

  5. Oh yes, yesterday's weather was weird. I was 'hokey cokeying' pulling up onions and having a tidy up in the garden until I eventually gave up and left the rest for today, which thank goodness looks a lot more promising.

    1. On the other hand, today it is raining - well, drizzling. Good for the garden, not for me working in it! It's fresher though, which is good. xx

  6. Weather was weird yesterday here too-I was washing our kitchen shutter by tying it to the washing line and the rain kept coming on for about 3 minutes at a time. Took two hours all in but now it’s sparkling clean and job well done. The children here have been off school since 27th June and staff return on 12th August with children going back on 14th August. Very warm today so washing dried well. Catriona

    1. Well done - I'm sure it ended up looking lovely.
      Scotland's summer holidays are very different from the English ones, aren't they? xx
