Thursday 25 July 2024

Thursday evening, 25-07-24

 Good evening, everyone!  How has your day gone?  It's been damp and windy here but a lovely day, all the same.

Chris came round at ten and we had our Thursday coffee and chat, inside today as it was so chilly and gloomy.
Then a quick whizz round to finish lunch and Val arrived so lots more chatting.  It's a while since I saw Val and there was a lot to catch up on.  I cooked lunch and she liked it so much I sent her the recipe.  😊
While she was here, the two tables arrived so as soon as she left I dived in.  They are really nice, just what I wanted, except that the surfaces feel a bit rough.  That's not an issues as they are oiled (they're teak) - I can get some fine sandpaper, smooth off the surfaces and re-oil as necessary.  No problem.

I'm really hoping for a nice day tomorrow so I can test drive them.  Fingers crossed.

That was the end of the excitement - the rest of the day passed as usual except for one thing.  See last photo below.  Small but exciting.  ;-)

A little garden update:

I have baby dwarf beans - they're so tiny but it's exciting.  Maybe a fortnight before they are ready?  I don't know how fast they grow.

On the other hand, the runners are producing loads and loads of flowers which are just dropping, not beaning.  There's not been a lot of insects around - maybe that's causing problems.   Ho hum.  I have fed them and keep them well watered - can't do more than that.  Maybe they're just not good in pots.  Time will tell.
More tomatoes ripening.  Woo hoo.  I've picked a few and they are luscious.  Not long now.
This big boy needs picking soon.  Sorry, I chopped off the top third.

Late afternoon:  
It is picked now and it is ginormous.  I think I will take half to SW for the hamper tomorrow morning.  I offered it to Val but she bought one yesterday!
And the mixed leaves are doing so well.  Every day I'm pinching out some and they keep going.  I'm not sure why I haven't done this before and when you think of the price you pay for a bag of mixed leaves . . .

(these four photos were taken and added onto this post this morning - things changed . . . )
( at nearly four o'clock)  Lookity, look - a baby bean!  Can you see it?

Yee hah!!!!

Such a nice day, despite the less than pleasant weather.  I hope yours has been good too.
Good night, everyone.  xx


  1. A busy, sociable day for you - very nice. We have small green tomatoes, very small courgettes (flowers still attached), not quite ready blueberries and a few raspberries. Apples - not nearly so many this year - but hopefully they'll ripen, and crabapples. Mild and drizzly here, but that's okay.

    1. Val brought me three lovely cooking apples from her tree - lovely.
      I think everything is slow this year with the poor weather and lack of sunshine.

  2. I don't know if you already do this but when you water your beans gently spray the flowers and this helps them to set. I've hardly seen any bees in my garden this summer which is not only sad but worrying.

    1. Thanks, for this. Yes, I think insects have been a bit thin on the ground at the moment. Really not good. xx

  3. It has seemed much cooler today. It's been overcast and breezy here, a perfect excuse to get on with some painting.
    I'm glad the tables are okay. I bet they'll look lovely in your garden. Xx

    1. I hope I will get great use from them - fingers crossed. :-) xx

  4. I’m reading this as thunder and lightning with torrential rain is lighting up the otherwise dark room. We enjoyed a delicious pizza for tea made from fridge leftovers on garlic flatbread from the freezer-yummy. Catriona

    1. Very dramatic and great comfort food! I'm feeling hungry just thinking about it. :-) xx

  5. Sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for the tip about sanding and oiling teak. Maybe it will work with my outdoor furniture.

    1. It may very well do. I've been watching a few YouTube channels about it. It seems there's loads you can do with outdoor wooden furniture to protect it but sanding and re-oiling is the simplest and fine as I don't intend to keep it outside but put it away after use.
      It looks like we may get some sunshine today (Friday) so maybe I can set things up and see what I think. I hope so. xx

  6. Not much being produced in our garden as of yet. I did manage to pick some onions, and a couple of baby cukes to use this week. Harvey dug up some new potatoes as well.

    God bless.

    1. Well done - just take care and try not to do too much (easier said than done, eh?) xx

  7. It was lovely and warm here yesterday and my veg plot was looking very lush and green. Those baby beans will soon fill out. Have you thought to put the runner bean flowers in salads. They look really pretty.

    1. Such different weather!
      No, I haven't. I'm not sure the idea appeals - what do they taste like, Cherie? xx

  8. Those salad leaves are great, and usually have more flavour than the supermarket stuff.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. They definitely have more taste and they don't all taste the same either, there's variety. Something I will be doing again next year, for sure. xx

  9. I'm really glad that your new garden furniture is just what you wanted. Hopefully you will be able to enjoy using it in your garden this week. I have been using far more home grown lettuce this year too. It is lovely to just pick a few leaves at a time and so much better than shop bought ones.

    1. I have been, thanks, it's been very pleasant.
      Home grown veg is just so very flavoursome, isn't it? xx
