Wednesday 10 July 2024

Wednesday evening, 10-07-24

Hi, everyone, and here we are pretty much a third of the way through July already.  I feel it's hardly started!

I'm in the middle of one of my blood pressure review weeks - you know, where you have to take your reading mornings and afternoons and send them off.  I've never looked forward to doing it because often those reading have been on the cusp of 'come in and see us about this' which is a real nuisance and worries me.
This time, however, the reading have been great - only one over 130, even the first (my instructions are to take three readings and choose the lowest) one of each set has been more than acceptable.
Given that my meds haven't changed, I guess it's down to a normal weight, being relatively fit and living a pretty stress free lifestyle and, maybe, cutting out the alcohol (?) and I am really pleased.

Yesterday, I went to the Argos site, found the spike thingy mentioned in comments and ordered one.  It came today.   Unfortunately, it's just a fraction too big so I've emailed Seth's office to ask if they could come and drill it just a smidgeon bigger.  Fingers crossed.  If not, I think I know of a local chap who could come and do it for me.

I did my bit of adulting for the day - the car is now booked in for its MOT and service next month.  A bit ouchy but isn't everything these days?   And it HAS to be done.  

And, finally, I went all spendy with some yarn.  Yes, I know I'm trying to use up my stash but I want to make something specific.  I have wanted to make a jumper out of fisherman's rib for ages.  I used to have a really good pattern but can't find it now.  I looked and found one on Etsy, a very straightforward style with raglan arms and a crew neck (which I can easily turn into a different collar should I want to.
I've found some yarn I really like and have made and order.
It's been nice knitting scarves, etc, but I'm so looking forward to making a proper jumper again.  Perfect for next winter.  Or before, the way the weather is going right now!

Thank you for all your good wishes.  I'm feeling loads better now.
Take care, everyone.  Stay safe and sleep well.  xx


  1. So hot here
    Some family illness and mine
    When I went to LonDon with Humanities in 2006 the heat broke records. It was so hot. When I went in 2008 it was ready to break records. We laughed
    Because we had been told to bring clothes suitable to cool weather. Imagine how hot we were. The hotel had no air conditioning and I was over the kitchen. Whew
    Even in Stratford upon Avon hot in the B and B
    Now I know we r spoiled with air conditioning but I just checked online and it was correct. Broke records for a long time…not back to the beginning lol.send some rain and cool. I love love love England and esp LONDON. My grand is going back there this fall…she is going to do Paris for Nana as I can’t go anymore. Brenda

    1. Do send some over for us!
      I'm very sorry you've not been well - are you feeling better now? And your family?
      AIr con really isn't a thing in the UK. To be honest, it's expensive and we don't usually get enough really hot weather to warrant it. However, there are times . . .
      London is wonderful for a visit - well, parts are. I wouldn't want to live there though. xx

    2. Thank you for the rain. I am "old" and have suffered Arthritis since age is pretty bad and I am refusing the new knees and new hips...I have Fibromyalgia, Osteoporosis...have had five strokes since age 26...and horribly high BP...that being said, since I was in my 20,s I have walked miles daily...I continue to do that in short steps...I have been a strict vegetarian for over 30 wavering...tons of rest and reading...i graduated college in my 40' and Master's in 60...I keep going...every step is painful and important to my life...I am going for to not feeling well...that is a part of life, and I don't let it get in the way.
      I am flying to Indy the end of the month to see family there...I lived there three years, but family in Florida called me...IF my family illness here is settled...I hope to get to friends in WV where I grew up this year...we will see...before Covid,l flew five times a year to family and other to London, I could live there...I loved it loved it loved it...I lived in Indianapolis, and it never bothered me...grew up in small town in WV...not the cities appeal to me. I love your blog so much. I read everyday three blogs from love...especially enjoy hearing about travels and books read by you guys...thank you so much.

    3. I will confess one thing that seems to be more about blogs in America than in of food...oh I have no words...not saying...just ONE opinion...

    4. < chuckle > Well, my other blog is unashamedly a food blog so you gets what the label says really.
      You've lived quite a life, haven't you. Impressive. Thanks for sharing. xx

    5. I don't read food blogs...those are for those who want love your blog and have enjoyed you and Sooze from the time I started reading blogs...Yes, I have lived quite a cannot imagine...this little girl who grew up poor on a little street in a little town...has seen so much and experienced even more...I am blessed with my family...I have lived 33 places...I am a minimalist...I am just a happy person who has loved life...I even owned a Hallmark Store...another story...keep writing...

  2. We had clammy wet weather again today but I was indoors sewing so wasn’t bothered. Going to watch the Sewing Bee at 9pm and hope it’s better than the last few weeks. Catriona

    1. It was certainly warmer - the snuggle good went back upstairs again!!
      Must catch up with Sewing Bee - I agree, it's not so much fun now with not enough time for a lot of complex stuff. It's spoiling some of the enjoyment and, have you noticed, they use to help each other when possible and now they don't have the time. I think that's such a shame. xx

  3. Had to smile when I read the yarn spend. I very nearly bought some today but I'm determined to reduce my yarn stash. In fact I've almost finished the socks that I started months ago. It's absolutely hammered down today and doesn't look set to quit any time soon.

    1. A wry smile, I am sure. Good luck with your stash and I bet the socks are great. xx

  4. Now that you've bought supplies to make a jumper, the sun is bound to come out ;-)

    1. Yup - and it has. It is a glorious morning! xx

  5. Looking forward to seeing the yarn and jumper progress. I admire people who knit useful garments, I'm rather a slow knitter ( better at crochet ) and have never managed anything bigger than a matinee jacket!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I love knitting and crochet but, for jumpers, knitting wins. I'm hoping the yarn arrives tomorrow but it might not, you never know! xx

  6. Sounds like it will be a really lovely jumper. I hope you share photos as you progress on the knitting.

    1. < chuckle > But of course. I'm just hoping the yarn will arrive today although I bet it won't. While I wait, I'm still knitting scarves. xx

  7. I look forward to seeing your yarn and the jumper when it's finished. Fisherman's rib is a stitch I've not tried. I hope it goes well.
    Glad the blood pressure review was better this time.

    1. I've adapted it slightly because I did a swatch and my version is neater and more regular that the one in the pattern. xx
