Monday 29 July 2024

Monday evening, 29-07-24

Good evening, one and all.  Quite a busy sort of day at times in a fairly gentle sort of way.

First think on the list today was a drive to the surgery for a blood test (part of the meds review thingy).  I got there early in hopes that I might get done early and not miss much of circuits but fat chance.  One of the nurses was unwell and the other had taken over her list as well as her own.  To be fair, I was only about fifteen minutes late - could have been a lot worse, couldn't it?
The blood test itself was a doddle.  I never have any problems that way, thank goodness.

Then I drove up to Lindsey's for the last twenty minutes of circuits and I did an online Groove class at six as well, so I didn't go short!

Evidence of gardening activity today.  The strawberries were in that bed but they were a sorry sight, all wrinkled, wizened and dying.  The soil is very 'thin' and un-nourishing too, so I decided to clear the remaining strawberry plants and really work on improving the quality of the soil.
I am going to get some good compost to spread over, I have ordered some chicken poo pellets which are supposed to be really good, as good as well rotted horse manure, and come the autumn, I will get some good stuff from the bottom of my compost heap to add to the texture of the soil.
When the tomatoes are done and out, I can spread it all over the whole bed.
(You can tell I don't really know what I'm doing, can't you?)
I think I may very well plant my runner beans in that bed next year, maybe preceded by some early broad beans (not sure about that though).  I could over winter them to get a good start.  The tomatoes have been happy this year - they used to be at the other end until suspected blight some years ago and since then I have avoided that patch.  I think it's OK to go back there now.  Anyway, we will see.

I might see if I can get some strawberry trestle planter thingies or something or maybe not bother with them for a few years.

I weeded and generally tidied the back up a bit and then attacked the front which is now looking a lot better.  The crocosmia is over but the gladioli are just beginning with one head in bloom while the confused (or do I mean undecided) dahlia is looking very showy.
Should it be pink?  Should it be white?  No idea so it's a bit of both and very nice too.
Like people really - and it really doesn't - shouldn't - matter two hoots.;  They are still beautiful and worth while.

(here endeth the lesson)

And I mowed the - cough - 'lawn'.

It's just all looking more respectable now.

And then I came and and chilled because it was getting hot.  It was a windows open and blinds closed sort of afternoon.

Groove was good though.  I had the fan blowing and it was fine, not too sweaty hot.  Bet I sleep well!

We're supposed to have another couple of lovely, summer days before storms on Thursday - but who really knows, eh?
All the best, everyone, and I hope we are all able to sleep comfortably tonight.  xx


  1. You've had a very satisfactory day, I can tell:-) It's nice to have plans for the future.

    1. It is, especially when they require very little worry and just a bit of effort and cash. They may change, of course, that's the joy of it all. xx

  2. I have put the 1.5 tog duvet on tonight as it’s hot and I haven’t been sleeping well. Bet the temperature drops and I’ll need a blanket! Catriona

    1. It was hot in the evening but I hope, like here, it cooled down for you. It's easier to warm up than to cool down. That's a very lightweight duvet - how useful. xx

  3. Hot here yesterday - at last - thankful for a few nice days as my sister is visiting.
    It's good that your local surgery carries out med reviews, they don't seem to bother here!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. They didn't used to but now they are quite fussy about them. They also now do blood tests which is great; again, you used to have to go into town or to the hospital and it was all a bit of a faff.
      Have a lovely time with your sister. xx

  4. The cheap stacking planters from the pound shop might be OK for strawberries. They do need a lot of watering though so probably not ideal if you are likely to be away for any length of time

    1. You know what, I was looking in Amazon this morning and they had some and it made me think why not? I can put them on a roller base to turn and move them and those cheap stackers aren't terribly expensive either. Thanks, Cherie, it is nice to have an idea confirmed. I will have a ponder and a look around.
      Actually, they would also look really nice with loads of flowers too. Yours look stunning - I know they are the real deal but even so . . . xx

    2. My Greenstalk planters are a game changer for the way I grow vegetables. I've got two more arriving next week. I'm tempted to buy some more cheap ones from the pound shop to add to my mint collection.

  5. I had little success with my strawberry plants for a couple of years, so I pulled them all out. Maybe next season, I'll try again. Xx
