Friday 12 July 2024

Friday evening, 12-07-24

Good evening, everyone.  Another reasonable day - not too much sunshine but it was fine and dry.  I'm not complaining.

Slimming World group was fun and I enjoyed it.  I'm making the most of the community because Jen is moving away soon and, as yet, we don't know what will happen to her groups.  It's just a bit unsettling.

When that was over, I did my weekly shop.  I didn't think I needed a lot but it cost plenty, all the same, and that was without meat or cheese because I have plenty in the freezer.  To be fair, I went to M&S for my fruit and veg because it may cost a bit more but it doesn't go off so quickly.

In the afternoon, my yarn came. 

This is it.  I think it is very pretty.  Perhaps not the easiest to knit with but it is OK.  It's called King Cole Riot double knitting, I've started the jumper and it's looking nice.

It's not going to be an early night for me because I'm having a group chat starting at eight, so I need to stop this and get on with it.  Sleep well, all.  xx


  1. Can't wait to see how your new yarn knits up, how exciting! We got a new fitness instructor, much younger, when our previous one retired and it was tough for a while but she and the group have adjusted and now we just love her routines and music!

    1. Change is unsettling, I think. Lindsey is fifty so I expect that she has a fair way to go before retirement, barring disasters. I hope so, anyway!

      I'm glad your group has jelled with the new fitness instructor. xx

  2. Gorgeous yarn
    Lovely color
    A dress out of that will be so pretty. Brenda

    1. A jumper, in fact, but I think it will be really lovely. The pattern is a very simple style so the yarn won't be overshadowed or detract from any fancy patterning. xx

    2. I am assuming I blundered and a jumper is not what we call a jumper.
      A dress with a turtleneck underneath. Lol Brenda

    3. Ah - same language, different meanings. Would you call it a knitted sweater? Definitely not a dress with a turtleneck - we would call that a pinafore dress, maybe? xx

  3. What a lovely yarn colour. Isn't it amazing how much groceries cost now?

    God bless.

    1. It's quite shocking. To be fair, I did treat myself to some treat fruit like cherries and a pineapple but even so . . . xx

  4. Love the yarn TQ for the photo
    Alison in Wales x

  5. The wool is very pretty - I do like blue.

    1. SO do I - it is pretty much my favourite colour really. xx

  6. Could you take over her group? You may not want the hassle but I would think the people going would like to see someone running it that has 'walked the walk.' I did go to a group for a wee while and the lady running it definitely wasn't walking the walk!! :-) xxx

    1. I am sure they would but no. Believe me, I said consider it but there are a number of reasons why not. Maybe I will do a post about it sometime. xx

  7. I love the colour of your new yarn and look forward to seeing how it knits up. I agree with Ali-would you be willing to take on the SW group? Catriona

    1. I think what I have done (not much so far) looks really nice and I am so pleased with the colour range. nothing too startling. :-) xx

  8. I too like the color of your new yarn and look forward to seeing the jumper you knit.

    1. Thanks, Nit. I am enjoying the knitting. xx

  9. Lovely shades of blue in that yarn. Looks lovely

    1. Thanks. It's coming out sort of stripey and really nice. I'm doing the front first (easier to make the back fit the front than the other way round) and I'll take a photo when it's done. xx

  10. The yarn is a lovely colour, and I can't wait to see your finished jumper. Xx

    1. Thanks, Jules. I think it is one I will wear on those cooler days as well as through the winter. xx

  11. Great colour yarn. I like how the shades of blue change.
