Sunday 28 July 2024

Sunday evening, 28-07-24

 Hi, everyone.
What a very pleasant day it has been, to be sure.  It was pretty warm for a while but it has cooled off now so overnight should be comfortable.

I had an online chat with Alex who wanted to run some learning stuff past me - that was nice.  I sat in the garden, enjoyed the sunshine, did some work in the kitchen, read, knitted and caught up with the Sewing Bee final.  A very pleasant Sunday indeed - and now we are nearly into August.  Bonkers!!

Hoping your weekend has been pleasant too and all the best for the week ahead./  Sweet dreams, everyone.  xx


  1. We have spent the last three days clearing and cleaning after the double glazing. Still have some rooms to do but it was so hot today that we kept stopping for a cold drink. Catriona

    1. They do try to be clean but there's always something. Was it the whole house?
      Nice to have it done while the weather is good. xx

  2. It sounds like your Sunday was very pleasant. I am enjoying some slightly cooler weather and the fact that today I did not have a headache.

    God bless.

    1. It was lovely. I'm so glad your weather has cooled off slightly and thank goodness the headache did a runner too. Hope it stays away now. xx

  3. It's nice to look back on a pleasant day - a comfortable feeling.

    1. Yes, exactly that. It just feels good, right and proper and so, so comfortable. xx

  4. How can it almost be August! It's nuts how fast this year is going! Sounds like you had a great day!

    1. Bonkers, isn't it? Just today and a couple more days and we're in August. It all felt so slow earlier in the year and now it is accelerating away. xx

  5. I can't think that we'll be in August tomorrow, but that's probably because we haven't had much in the way of summer weather, until now. Xx

    1. Maybe but I agree - it feels crazy. After such a slow start, the year is just accelerating away. xx
