Wednesday 17 July 2024

Wednesday evening, 17-07-24

Evening, everyone!  What a lovely day it has been today.  Warm and sunny - just what summer should be about.  

It's been a bit of a busy day but small-busy, not mega-busy.  I popped into school twice (because I forgot something the first time), I dropped some knitted scarves off at the Sally Army point, I picked up my meds from Morrisons, had personal training and caught up a bit with some of the housework.

I've got a few 'first' photos for you today.

The first confused dahlia (doesn't know if it is pink or white) . . .
. . . the first Japanese anemone and . . .
. . . the first tomatoes to colour.  They're honeycomb so orange.  Closer to being ripe than one might think.

I love first things in the garden.

It's supposed to be another lovely day tomorrow which I'm glad about because it is Buckingham Palace Day.  Coach into London, a tour of Buckingham Palace (the open bits anyway) and the Gardens, a pick up and drop off at Covent Garden for a few hours before coming back again (through the rush hour but not to worry - I'm not driving!).
It's nice not to have to make sure I have rain stuff, a spare pair of shoes and socks in case the ones I am wearing get wet . . . all that stuff.

Well, I will love you and leave you because I need to water that plants before I can start relaxing. 
There may not be a blog tomorrow but I will take photos when I am allowed (so not in the palace itself) and do a visit post on Friday.

Night, everyone.  xx


  1. I love the confused dahlia and envy you your tomatoes. Have fun tomorrow:-)

    1. I love them too - it's a well established plant now and flowers profusely. It is a type, I have discovered. Originally it was just one of those non generic packs of bulbs? corms? - anyway, no specific label. The others didn't survive my tender care!

  2. Great photos! I envy you being able to visit the palace, I'm sure it will be worth the trip.

    1. I am sure too, especially as all I have to do is sit in comfort and let the coach take the strain. Really looking forward to this experience. xx

  3. Lovely flowers. Sounds like a busy day. Have a great day out tomorrow!

    1. It didn't feel all that busy and it was satisfying! :-)
      Thanks. I'm pretty much ready and there's about an hour and a quarter before I have to leave. :-) xx

  4. Enjoy your day in London and it’s nice you don’t need to drive. My daughter is off to Edinburgh with her American cousin for two days on the train so that they can sightsee, eat and shop. Catriona

    1. Edinburgh -how very lovely! I'd love to visit Edinburgh some day. She will have such a fantastic time. xx

  5. That's the only positive about not growing tomatoes etc this year - no watering!
    Enjoy Buckingham Palace, I'll look forward to reading about your visit
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I'm home and I'm shattered. It was a really good day though. More tomorrow. xx

  6. Enjoy your trip, Joy. Looking forward to seeing photos. 😊

    1. I'll do a post today. Thanks, Nil. x

  7. It looks like you'll be harvesting plenty of tomatoes this year. X

    1. I do hope so. I love them so much. xx

  8. Ha ha. A dahlia that is not following the rules. Love it :-)

    1. I love that! A rebellious dahlia! xx
