Saturday 20 July 2024

Saturday evening, 20-07-24

Good evening, all.  It's been another really nice day, not as hot as Thursday and Friday and with a refreshing breeze at times.  We had a little bit of rain in the afternoon but five minutes after it stopped the ground was dry again.

I had a very pleasant little stroll around the garden this morning, camera in hand.  It was just part of a very gentle and peaceful start to the day with nothing to get ready for until about ten fifteen as, because we were having one of our walks, I didn't do SET online live.

First of all, the runner beans are doing really well in the warmth and sunshine, trying to escape over the fence and producing loads of very attractive flowers.  The Elizabethans grew runner beans for their flowers rather than as a veg, I believe, and I can see why.  I prefer the write flowers to the scarlet ones though, in my own garden, because they fit with the colour vibe which is a pinky/white/blue/lilac sort of thing.  Scarlet would clash and they are part of the overall effect, not in a separate veg patch.

The dwarf beans have also finally got their act together.  The new seeds I put in two or three weeks ago have come up and, while this was accidental, it means there will be a longer fruiting time so can't moan about that!

I know I bang on about tomatoes non-stop, but I was genuinely excited to pick these two little beauties earlier to have with my lunch-time salad.  If you pop over to my SW/foody blog (link at the side) you can see them in situ - well, in salad, anyway - and they were, of course, delish.

There's a few more getting the idea now so, fingers crossed, soon I will be picking every morning.  That makes me very happy.

I've now had four cucumbers but only from one plant.  The other seems to have some nasty, fungally sort of thing so it produces lots of flowers but any baby cucumbers fall off.  I suppose I ought to have it out but further up the stem it looks more hopeful so fingers crossed.   They are very nice cucumbers.

And the salad leaves from the first planting were pretty much over while the second pot is ready for leaf cutting now.  So I cleared the first pot and have sown another lot for later on.  Nice.

And finally, I got some bedding dahlias from Longacres a while ago and the first one has started flowering.  Thankfully, it is the right colour for the bed.  The others are coming along but if they don't 'match' I can try replanting them at the front to keep the confused dahlia company.

They're very pretty, dahlias, aren't they, and very rewarding.

Anyway, enough garden waffle.

After a very leisurely start to the day, I met up with my SW friends for our Saturday walk.  This time it was at Writtle and, as always, a good chat was enjoyed by us all, as was the excellent coffee served in the Writtle Tea Rooms (sadly, closing in September).

Then I came home to potter in the garden a bit and then to just relax under the sunshade.  No, the spike isn't in yet, but Maxine has confirmed that they will do it when they come to paint the bit of ceiling so that's good.  For now, I wedge it in and it is fine.

I came in when it got cloudy and had a very pleasant snooze that set me up for the rest of the day.

And that was my day.  I hope yours has been a pleasant too although I gather some parts of the UK have had more rain than we had here.
Sleep well, everyone, sweet dreams.  xx


  1. My niece and her mother called in to see us today which was a nice surprise as they are coming for lunch tomorrow. They are here from the states and I haven’t seen them since the Ash Cloud time. She’s 33 now and they went away to the states when she was 6. I have bought all her favourite food from M and S so she did a fridge inspection just to make sure I hadn’t forgotten anything. Pouring here now which is typical as I spent ages in the late morning watering my plants. Happy weekend. Catriona

    1. How lovely for you all - That's a long time not to see family and I hope they're having the best time over here. A shame about the rain but I guess the extra water won't hurt your plants. xx

  2. I love how you are doing succession planting.

    God bless.

    1. Is that what it's called? Thanks. I'm no gardener so it's a new concept really but I like it! xx

  3. That was a very pleasant day. We now have a couple of tiny tomatoes on one plant and two flowers on the courgette. Whether they'll ever come to anything is anyone's guess.

    1. I hope they do - fingers are crossed. :-) xx

  4. I never get tired of garden waffle. Your little patch sounds beautifully colour coordinated.

  5. The white bean flowers are very pretty and hopefully will be producing lots of beans for you. A few of my tomatoes are ripening up now but they are much smaller than usual - a bit disappointing, with lots of flowers but not much fruit. I'm sure your plants will better.

    1. That is very disappointing, I agree. Maybe they will pick up with more consistently warm weather now. xx

  6. Those runner bean flowers are so attractive, I'll look out for that variety next year
    Alison in Wales x

    1. They really are. No idea what the beans will be like but they've already earned their keep anyway! xx

  7. It is always so satisfying to eat your own produce. I expect it will taste much more delicious as well. Hopefully, you will have plenty to keep you going throughout the summer. Xx

    1. I'm so looking forward to it. I haven't grown runners for a while and it's nice to get back. My fingers are crossed that this way works (in pots rather than in the ground, I mean) and as for the tomatoes - I just can't wait - but will have to! xx
