Tuesday 30 July 2024

Tuesday evening, 30-07-24

Evening, everyone.

Such a lovely day.  This is the life, eh.  
The bag of chicken poo pellets arrived but there's no way I was doing any sort of gardening in that heat.

It was still very tolerable when Chris and I walked to Groove, did the class (kinda sweaty) and walked back again.  I'm glad I didn't have an afternoon class - unlike tomorrow when I have personal training late afternoon.  Oh, well . . .

I did a bit of this, that and the other, nothing energetic.  I sorted out my finances for the end of July and moved what was left over to August (for the car service costs).  I'm always glad when one month is tied up and another looms.

Come the afternoon,  it was very hot  and I drew curtains, opened windows, turned on the fans and stayed inside.  I felt headache-y and a bit yucky so it was a time to rest and recover.  I was fine again later.

Cherie, many thanks for the stacking planter idea.  Great minds and all that . . .  Come the  autumn, I may very well invest in some.  

Time to stop, post and chill.  The kitchen is clean and I just need to water the long suffering plants.  No sitting in the shade for them.
Has it been really hot your way today?  I hope everyone has coped well with it.
Hoping for a cool, sound night's sleep for us all.  xx


  1. Hottest day so far today but there is a gentle breeze now and I have closed the bedroom curtains to keep out the evening sun. Catriona

    1. Yes, it's a really lovely evening now. A real blessing. xx

  2. I have been trying to get all the outside work done early in the morning, or later in the evening. It is much to warm here to be out and about during the late morning, afternoon or early evening.

    You had the right idea to rest during the heat of the day.

    God bless.

    1. I'll do that while the hot spell continues although it is forecast to be comparatively cooled by about five or six degrees - which does make a big difference. On the other hand, possible storms this afternoon so might be very humid.
      Time will tell.
      I hope your headache is staying away. xx

  3. We had a very lovely day, warm and bright but not overwhelming
    Alison in Wales x

    1. More pleasant than afternoon here, by the sound of it, but morning and evening were perfect. xx

  4. It's hot up north, but not uncomfortably so. Our current temperatures are quite a bit lower than in the south. Xx

  5. Pretty warm here yesterday and warmer today. Thunderstorm is forecast from midday -we'll see!

    1. Surprisingly, it was a lot nicer here. Maybe Tuesday's headache was atmosphere rather than heat?
      Did you get any storms I rather like a good storm - providing I am inside. xx

  6. It was very warm here yesterday, me, Mavis and Ginger stayed in the cool of the Lodge, while Alan finished work early and had an hour basking in the afternoon sun before heading down the road to Berkshire. It's almost as warm today, so now that I have run all my errands I will be staying in and relaxing ... Mavis is already snoring.

    1. Sensible Mavis! It was very much more pleasant here yesterday (Wednesday), thankfully! xx

  7. Love the photo. Heat can make you feel like that. I've been struggling the last few days. It has been so hot and humid here that even moving makes me all sticky. I have been going for walks, but that's about it lol

    1. I shouldn't whine - we get off lightly compared with some parts of the world and round your way you get extremes of both hot and cold to contend with. How do people manage without air con - or does everyone have it? xx

  8. I've been invigilating all week in lovely cool rooms so haven't suffered too much. It was incredibly hot last night but I woke to pouring rain. The garden is loving it.

    1. How lovely! We could do with some rain.
      I'm sure your garden will be dancing with happiness. xx
