Tuesday 3 August 2021


 Good morning, everyone.  Today looks promising with sunshine and no rain predicted.  I'm happy about that as I have a friend over.  Yesterday was also pretty pleasant although morning and evening was quite chilly.

Tuition yesterday was good with several things taught and understood (we hope).

I drove into town to the Peugeot garage and arranged for the service and MOT before driving on to Aldi.  I didn't have a big list but, seeing as I was almost next door, it seemed sensible.

Then I came home and pottered.  And really, that was my day.  Oh, I did the ironing too.

Today, Val is coming round.  I haven't seen Val since May, before I had to go up to Dad's.  She's coming for lunch and I'm so looking forward to a good chat with her; she's very sensible, practical and kind with a lot of understanding and we seem to get on really well.

The morning will be spent getting things ready and after she has gone I will water at the allotment - because tomorrow is supposed to be dry too so I think it will need some water.

I've just had a twenty minute potter in the garden, dealing with the tomatoes.  I've just taken off the lower leaves and thinned the others (it helps to air the whole plant, thus making it harden for blight to take hold, and allows the sunshine to get to the fruit) and, suddenly, I can see quite how many tomatoes I am going to have.  It's very exciting . . .

I won't be going short, will I?  It's just as well they are about my favourite thing!

Have a grand old day and stay safe and well.  xx


  1. Your tomatoes look naked. I shall take the leaves off my lonely plant and see if they will ripen quicker as they seem to be very slow in ripening. Happy day, Valx

    1. I've only started doing this recently after seeing it on a couple of gardening shows. You keep enough leaves on so the plant can make food but the lower leaves can go and also you can cut half of any other big leaf stems off too and just leave the other half. For me, it's more for avoiding blight as the plant is better aired and fewer leaves to hold raindrops.

  2. Wow, they look fantastic! You could open a greengrocers with those!

    1. lol - you know, I probably could for a few weeks!! However, instead, they will be used/frozen/gifted/scoffed straight off the plant.

  3. My poor tomato plant that had to stand outside before the greenhouse arrived and lost its main growing shoot. so I left all the side shoots and it's now lolling in the greenhouse producing small cherry tomatoes when it should be small plum..............Next year will be better!
    Your toms look Very Good
    Have a good day.

    1. Poor thing - it sounds very confused!
      I bet they will taste great though.

  4. I think my tomatoes may benefit from removing some of the leaves to help with the ripening. I'll give it a try, thanks. xx

    1. It won't hurt and, personally, I think it is helping. xx

  5. That's great. They are just so much nicer from your own plants. xx

  6. Nothing beats a tomato from the garden. Enjoy!!!

    God bless.
