Sunday 8 August 2021


 Good morning, everyone.  It's a much nicer start to the day and it would be helpful to get some sunshine, wouldn't it?
Yesterday wasn't a good day - I think sometimes things just hit, don't they, and yesterday things hit.  I won't impose my misery on you though so, moving on . . .

Today I'm at home in the morning but after lunch I'm going round to Beth's which will be nice.  I'm looking forward to that!

Have a good day, everyone.  I hope the sun shines on you.  xx


  1. Sharing isn't imposing your misery, it is good to talk sometimes. You have been through a lot lately, bravely and with dignity. I hope today is a better day for you. x

  2. The sun is shining here lets hope it lasts.

    1. Well, it didn't, but it was nice while it lasted, wasn't it? xx

  3. I agree with Lyn sharing isn't imposing your misery. Think all your readers admire you for your honesty and how you have coped this last few months .

  4. I hope the sun shines for you Joy. Have a lovely day with Beth. Xx

    1. It didn't, we had rain but it was a nice day anyway, thanks. xx

  5. Yes, they do hit quite unexpectedly and hopefully get blown away quickly too.
    Have a lovely time with Beth x

  6. Have a lovely time with Beth. Sending {{{hugs}}} xx

  7. Wish I could get mint to grow here (in a pot) it just shrivels up and I do water it. I would so love to receive a whiff of mint everytime I go out onto the balcony. Right I have been reading your last post :-) I must say it looks like you have lots of goodies nearly ripe in your garden! Mmmm nice! I'll echo what others have commented here ... it's good to let off steam :-) Have a lovely day Amanda x

    1. It's all going nicely, thanks. We just need some warm sunshine and the tomatoes will be great. At the moment they are still slow.
      I would only ever grow mint in a pot - it is just so invasive. Perhaps the overall temperature is just too hot?

  8. Well I didn't get rained on today so that's good right? Hope today is a better day. Day by day seems all I can manage right how. x

    1. Very good, yes. Much love and many hugs to you, Sharon - I totally understand. xx

  9. Sharing our ups and downs are an important part of blogging and life. Things hit and sometimes just talking about them makes a person feel better.

    God bless.
