Wednesday 25 August 2021

Wednesday, 25-08-21

 Morning, everyone.  Where's that sunshine?  It's hiding again, bother it, and, sadly, the forecast doesn't encourage me to think we will get much sun today.  < sigh >

Yesterday was OK.  I got lots of washing done and line dried and even ironed which was very satisfying.  I had two loads out on the line before I set off for the dentist where I was right, it was just to take an impression in order to make the implant.  

However, it was nothing as simple and soft plasticky stuff shoved on the area.  Dear me no, it was all high tech with a sort of clicky think that took readings and translated them into a 3D picture on the screen that could be turned and swivelled, rubbed out with a finger and generally manipulated.  They seemed to have a few problems with the shape of my mouth and took ages to get all the info they needed but it was OK, not at all sore, just rather boring.
Back in a fortnight for the last bit - and to pay the bill!  I checked on the way out so I know exactly how much I need to have in my account.

That was the excitement of the day.  The rest was the usual stuff.

Today starts with allotment, then moves on to personal training with Lindsey.  The usual Wednesday stuff, in fact.
It's rather nice that life seems to have settled back to normality again.  I just need my calves and ankles to get back to full fitness now, that's all.  They're OK, just not right.

Well, better go and do stuff or half the morning will be past and wasted.  Have a goot day, stay happy and positive and be safe.  xx


  1. Morning Joy. That dentist visit sounds very technical but I'm glad to hear it wasn't painful. Enjoy your time down on the allotment. x

    1. It was very technical but I preferred it to a mouthful of putty type stuff. xx

  2. All this technology doesn't necessarily improve things does it, especially if you have the wrong shaped mouth! 😂

    I hope you have a good day Joy. xx

  3. Well at least it wasn't painful which is always a bonus.

    1. Very definitely. And next time shouldn't be either. It's the first thing I look for when I enter the room - is there a syringe on the tray! :-) xx

  4. Nothing so high tech at our dentist....I get the pink PlayDoh stuff. Which is awful, especially since they're still not allowing us to rinse our mouths out, which means I'm spitting out lumps of pink Playdoh for hours! Hope your calves and ankles recover fully soon. xx

    1. Urgh, horrible stuff.
      They're getting better slowly. Whatever I did was pretty significant and it's taking time for the muscles to build up again but it is getting better, very slowly. xx

  5. Glad you survived the dentist.
    Little bit of sunshine yesterday and same again today but mostly cloud.

  6. Good to hear your dental appointment wasn't too troublesome and not painful! Even if it is for a check up I usually spend the night before imagining I may have to receive the most horrendous, painful dental treatment. Talk about dental anxiety! I keep telling my thoughts to not be so ridiculous. Hope your ankles recover soon. Take care Amanda x

    1. I share your anxieties - horrid, isn't it?

  7. Since we moved here in April we haven’t yet signed on with a new dentist.I know we should but am avoiding it.In an emergency I could go back to my old one.
    What exercises are you doing for your legs.

    1. It wouldn't be top of my list either, I have to say.
      I'm doing plenty of flexing and rotating, some ups and downs on toes and some - I don't know how to describe it - like the ballet dancers do to stretch their feet, first on one tiptoe and then on the other but with the feet taking the weight.
      Also anything that uses calf and ankle muscles such as squats, etc.
      I might start a bit of step on the lowest level too.

  8. Having crowns replaced…lost dental and eye insurance when retired…whew…also new glasses. Contacts…have cancelled doc and blood tests because of Covid…already in middle of teeth though…always something…love your blog..I have stopped reading all but four…

    1. There's no end to it, is there. If that usual in the USA, to lose insurance after retirement. That seems very tough.
      Thank you for continuing to read - I appreciate it.

  9. I hope your calves and ankles heal quickly. I just did a load of laundry, too. It feels satisfying to have clean clothes, sheets, and towels.

    1. Well, they're not, it is taking its time but slowly and surely things are improving and I'm doing my best to help it all along! :-)
      I know what you mean, it is extremely satisfying!
