Sunday 1 August 2021


 Pinch and punch for the first of the month and White Rabbits!  There, that's got the tradition over.  Seriously, can you believe it is August already?  We're well past the longest day and I'm noticing later sunrises and earlier dusks now.

I've just done my daily tour of the estate!  There are nine cucumbers in various stages of growth (plus the two in the fridge) so it's just as well I like cucumbers and also that they are short ones, around six to eight inches long.  No tomatoes to pick this morning but loads are starting to turn so, with a bit of luck and some sunshine, there will be plenty in about a week.  There are loads of baby chillis on the apache plants and flowers on the purple chilli plants I bought last week (must get them into proper soil).  There are blueberries to pick and a strawberry to watch over with several more on their way.  The flamenco apples are starting to look most attractive - a good size and very healthy with no blemishes or signs of moth damage.

On the more decorative side, the fuchsias are flowering as are the Japanese anenomes while round the front there's a glorious muddle of crocosmia, dahlia and all sorts of perennials.  It's a nice time of year, August is.

Yesterday was a bit of a gloomy day with a few brighter patches.  We had some rain (no allotment - must go today though) and after each shower I went out to give the tomato plants a shake - it helps them to dry off sooner (thinking the dreaded blight here).

The Morrisons delivery came just fifteen minutes late.  If they're having the same pingdemic problems they had on Friday, I think that was jolly good.  No subs, everything was there and looking good.

Today, Beth and Alex are coming over to Sunday dinner so I'm doing a roast.  I've been busy prepping all the veg so all I have to do is get the beef in (slow roasting) and do the actual cooking.  

Then, weather permitting, we go to the allotment to dig up more new potatoes and see if there's any more baby corn to pull.

So a pretty gentle day but a very pleasant one.  I hope you have a good one too.  Be safe.  xx


  1. It's incredible that it's August already, Joy - this year in particular seems to be flying by. How lovely to have all those fresh cucumbers - and don't they taste delicious.....supermarket ones by comparison have no taste and are flabby. Enjoy your roast lunch with Beth and Alex xx

    1. They taste wonderful, yes. There's simply no comparison . . . tomatoes too.
      You have a good day too.

  2. Do you lift your dahlias every year or is it mild enough to leave them in situ where you live please?

    Enjoy your meal with Beth and Alex, I hope the rain holds off so you can get to the allotment.

    1. It stays there all the year round. It's right by the house so that must keep it that little bit warmer, I expect.

  3. You've painted a lovely picture in my head of your pretty garden. It must be really colourful with that selection of plants. We are picking fresh cucumbers every few days and the flavour is superb but I don't think that I will grow the 'White Wonder' again. They were so hit and miss and mostly nasty and bitter. Such as shame as the edible ones were really very nice.

    1. I think it's nice. It's a bit all over the place in the middle bed as the geranium needs splitting and the Japanese anemone needs cutting back too, but it's pleasant to sit out.
      A shame about the cucumbers because they did look attractive, but one also wants reliability.

  4. I am really having trouble getting used to the idea that it is August already. The year is slipping by so very quickly.

    Your garden sounds as if it is producing wonderfully.

    God bless.

    1. For a small space, it's doing OK, I think. I could get more out of it, I know, but it suits me.

  5. 'Tour of the estate'. Love it!
    It would seem you're having another productive season. X

    1. That's what Dad used to say although the size of his garden matched it much better. :-)
      Things are going OK despite being rather later than usual. I'm not complaining - it's a small area and does pretty well really.
